info Overview
Name - What is Meria Oswell’s full name?

Meria Oswell

Age - How old is Meria Oswell?

16-17 yrs.

Gender - What is Meria Oswell’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Meria Oswell go by?

Meri, Mer

Role - What is Meria Oswell’s role in your story?

Shudra, Infernus

face Appearance
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Meria Oswell have?

Her violet eyes are a rarity that separates her from regular humans and distinctly mark her as an undiscovered Infernus.

Body Type

Slightly curvy with longish fingers and toes. Her calf, thigh, and forearm muscles are strong from her work in the fields and running.

Skin Tone

Fair, but often tanned from the sun in the fields.

Race - What is Meria Oswell’s race?


Eye Color - What is Meria Oswell’s eye color?

Violet that sometimes glows brighter in anger, fear, or when she's using her Infernus powers.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Meria Oswell have?

Dark, average thickness eyebrows with no makeup alterations and average length, slightly thick eyelashes.

Hair Style - How does Meria Oswell style their hair?

Often in a braided ponytail or a bun on top of her head. Her hair is to her hips and is wavy because of the braids she wears all the time.

Hair Color - What color is Meria Oswell’s hair?

Chocolate Brown

Height - How tall is Meria Oswell?

5' 7"

Weight - How much does Meria Oswell weigh?

120 lbs.

fingerprint Personality
Myers-Briggs Type
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Meria Oswell have?

When she's angry, she often bottles it up and seethes within the confines of her own mind, but when she has to blow, she fumes and rants and sometimes ends up breaking nearby objects and relationships. Her eyes often glow.
Meria is an open crier, though she tries to look tough and not cry often. When she does end up crying, however, she never wipes her eyes and cries silently, vowing not to be like the people of the past and accept her tears willingly but with strength.
Her excitement is often unbolstered and manifests in mischievous grins, sprinting, and loud choruses of compliments and joyous remarks. When she's ecstatic, she fidgets a lot, but when she's simply contented, she tries to remain as calm and collected as possible.
When Meria is afraid, her eyes seem ablaze just like in anger. She tenses up and speaks with rigidity. Any attempts to console her are worthless because she registers each remark with a tight nod and her quick, rigid speech refutes all consolation.
Her regular attitude is often swaggering and confident, but she also sometimes shrugs or speaks with a slight whine, especially when she's speaking with her adoptive parents.

Motivations - What motivates Meria Oswell most?

Meria feels that the Caste system in the city-states is unfair and wants to change the way that the social classes are represented. Shudras are the lowest Caste that is government protected, and the Chandalas are left to fend for themselves as outcastes and fugitives of the city-state. This leaves them unhealthy, hungry, and generally unkempt. Meria wants for all of the Castes to be given a say in government matters and feels especially strongly about this since she is a Shudra who is fascinated by political happenings yet has no power in the voting process and in the government in general. What motivates her is the hope that someday, maybe she could change all of that and make things better for her friends, family, and world. (Note: The other city-states on Earth are also under the Caste system, though the occupations of some of the lower classes and the conditions of the Chandalas varies.)

Flaws - What flaws does Meria Oswell have?

Meria is confident in her abilities as a person and as a citizen of Fernosi, so sometimes she can get a bit cocky and act in a way that hurts others or leads them and herself into danger. Her tact is not mastered and she does not yet know very well how to hold her tongue. She's resourceful as well but often uses unsolicited resources to help her friends, such as stealing another Shudra's lunch to give to Cara when her leg is broken.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Meria Oswell have?

Meria, due to her low status and activism against social-class-restricted voting, she has a bone to pick with the Brahmins and Kshatriyas of the world. She also doesn't like Cassie, the girl who's been a "condescending jerk" to her since primary school.

Talents - What talents does Meria Oswell have?

Meria is good at running, being sneaky, and eventually, she becomes adept at using her amazing Infernus powers.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Meria Oswell have?

Watching the news, thinking about new ways to improve the quality of life, sneaking out to talk to Aswinn or Cara

flare Magical Stats
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Meria Oswell’s favorite weapon?

Inferno Gem

Politics - What politics does Meria Oswell have?

Is a Shudra farmer from a Shudra farmer family who believes that all social classes should be respected and treated as united members of a city-state that votes as one instead of restricting voting based on social class.

Favorite food - What is Meria Oswell’s favorite food?

There aren't many options as a Shudra, but when Meria goes to the fancy voting event that includes a refreshments table, she decides then and there that cream puffs are the best food in the world.

Favorite possession - What is Meria Oswell’s favorite possession?

Meria likes to have her holographic "TV" because without it, she wouldn't know what was going on in politics and the world, which is a vital part of her cause.

Favorite animal - What is Meria Oswell’s favorite animal?

Meria likes the Fire Foxes that she can conjure. They are neon violet or blazing orange and formed out of fire.

Favorite color - What is Meria Oswell’s favorite color?

Violet. It's rare, unique, and the color of her eyes.

Occupation - What is Meria Oswell’s occupation?

Farmer (for now)

info History
Birthday - When is Meria Oswell’s birthday?

July 4th, 34 NA (New Age)

Education - What is Meria Oswell’s level of education?

Went to school in Fernosi until seventh grade. At age thirteen, she began to work in the fields with the rest of her family.

Background - What is Meria Oswell’s background?

Meria Oswell was born in the Shudra hospital in New Kansas County of Fernosi, and was deemed a Shudra at birth. She began school at age five and quickly advanced without too much trouble...until she was in sixth grade. Before then, right from the start, she had made a friend named Aswinn Caradoc with whom she remained close even after their school days were over. In sixth grade, however, she got the "brilliant" idea to vandalize her fellow Shudra, Cassie's (her tormentor her whole life) schoolwork. She ended up suspended for a week, in which she learned that the next year would be her last year of school. She'd seen her older sister Mei (and this year, Aswinn) go off to the fields since she was in seventh grade, too, but it had never hit her that that was the cutoff age for most Shudras to start working. So she created as much mischief as she could before she and Aswinn would have to start working. This led to many parent-teacher conferences, referrals to the principal, and even a call from a Shudra patrol officer about a damaged window. Petty theft and vandalism were rich on her record by the time she reached the age limit for schooling, but things didn't stop there. She continued to steal from others to help her new friend Cara, whom she met when she was fifteen. Her friend's leg broke a few months before the current happenings of the first book and suffered from a delayed union which quickly turned into nonunion since she was a Chandala and was unable to get treatment. On the same day, before her morning shift, Meria went with Aswinn to the dump and found an old holographic "TV," a holographic flashlight, and a few holocells that were all outdated for them to share. At about age twelve, news started to become a large part of her life, and she started to watch the news every night wherever she could: out in the marketplace, on large video banners in the city streets, over at Aswinn's house before his parents had been killed and all of their possessions repossessed by the government. Ever since social class activism has been a vital part of her life.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Meria Oswell have?

Sometimes when she's in battle, she creates Fire Foxes to accompany her, though when their flames die, they dissipate into ash and are only temporary, simple-minded creatures.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name Meaning: Meria means rebellious one, and Oswell means divinely powerful, so she's a divinely powerful rebel.

magic_wand Timeline
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This character was created by Jacqueline Kelly on

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