info Overview
Name - What is Mei Oswell’s full name?

Mei Oswell

Age - How old is Mei Oswell?


Gender - What is Mei Oswell’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Mei Oswell go by?

Mei is about as short as something can get.

Role - What is Mei Oswell’s role in your story?


face Appearance
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mei Oswell have?

Her hair is rather unique among the workers, but not unique in her family; her mother has auburn hair.

Body Type

Long legs, pear-shaped, slim figure; slightly longer neck and clumsy-ish fingers, but she is nonetheless very shapely.

Skin Tone

Fair, but often more tan than fair because of the sunlight in the fields.

Race - What is Mei Oswell’s race?


Eye Color - What is Mei Oswell’s eye color?

Chocolate Brown

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mei Oswell have?

Thin eyebrows that are a bit faint, unsculpted; long eyelashes

Hair Style - How does Mei Oswell style their hair?

Often worn in a braid or pigtails that cover her ears. It is sometimes wavy from braids but is often simply straight and slightly fine but fairly thick. It reaches her armpits.

Hair Color - What color is Mei Oswell’s hair?


Height - How tall is Mei Oswell?


Weight - How much does Mei Oswell weigh?

124 lbs.

fingerprint Personality
Myers-Briggs Type

ESFJ-A (Consul)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mei Oswell have?

She scratches behind her ear when she's nervous or flattered, and puts her hands behind her back awkwardly.
Mei is very bubbly when she's happy. She bounces on the balls of her feet, sometimes makes spontaneous but sweet noises, and puts her hands on her cheeks or heart.
In fear, Mei is surprisingly like her adopted sister, Meria. She grows rigid and quiet, though she is more shy and consolable than Meria.
Mei rarely finds herself angry, but when she does, she tries to let off steam by remaining active, taking deep breaths, and counting. But if the steam boils over, she finds herself snipping at everyone who talks to her.
When Mei is sad, she remains lost in thought a lot and her mind keeps wandering back to what she's sad about, though she tries her best to think of something else.
Her general attitude is friendly and sweet, and people can't help but be drawn to her giving nature and motherly protectiveness.

Motivations - What motivates Mei Oswell most?

Mei isn't concerned about what sort of job she has in the future, nor how many friends she has. She wants her little sister, Meria, to be happy and to not get herself into too much trouble, so she's willing to go with her on many of her escapades with the ulterior motive of protecting her. She also wants to have a family someday, with a loving husband no matter the Caste and perhaps some children who will one day get to know Aunt Meria and hear all about Mei's childhood.

Flaws - What flaws does Mei Oswell have?

Mei's protectiveness sometimes controls her to the point that she will do almost anything to take care of Meria, even if it means hiding the truth. She's also not afraid of authority, though she bends to it a little too easily. Her naivety and sometimes reckless sense of protectiveness can make her an easy pawn for ransoms and blackmail.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Mei Oswell have?

She's got a problem with how the Brahmans seize too much power and control the other Castes.

Talents - What talents does Mei Oswell have?

Mei is very good at talking people into things and bargaining. She's also an excellent cook, as she finds out when Meria, Aswinn, and she are on the run and living off the land.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mei Oswell have?

Mei enjoys making small talk with her parents, fellow field workers, Aswinn, and Cara. She also likes to cook things after her experience in the wild.

flare Magical Stats
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Mei Oswell’s favorite weapon?

Mei is a talented bargainer and knows how to talk her way into an agreement. Eventually, once Fernosi is on the brink of war, Mei devises a weapon that will help her almost as much as her persuasive skills--a metal pole with a charged wire of electrical fence wrapped around it.

Politics - What politics does Mei Oswell have?

Mei, though considerably less politically opinionated than her younger sister, believes that the Caste system is too strict and encourages more inter-Caste relations.

Favorite food - What is Mei Oswell’s favorite food?

Plums--she finds some of this delicious fruit growing in the wild and likes it quite a lot.

Favorite possession - What is Mei Oswell’s favorite possession?

Mei doesn't put much stock in her possessions, so there aren't any relics that she personally cares for very much.

Favorite animal - What is Mei Oswell’s favorite animal?

Mei thinks that Meria's beautiful Fire Foxes are one of the most wonderful creatures in the world.

Favorite color - What is Mei Oswell’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Mei Oswell’s occupation?

Farmer (for now)

info History
Birthday - When is Mei Oswell’s birthday?

February 23rd, 32 NA

Education - What is Mei Oswell’s level of education?

Went to the public Shudra school in New Kansas County until she was in seventh grade, and then she began to work in the fields with her parents.

Background - What is Mei Oswell’s background?

Mei was born two years before Meria and was a Shudra from birth, just like Meria and Aswinn. She never had any trouble in school, which she started at age five. She longed to return to school the moment she had to leave it at age thirteen and has longed to return ever since. She has been very close with her little sister Meria as long as she can remember and doesn't know what she would do without her. Her favorite memory is the time that they were at lunch at school and someone was making fun of Meria's hair and she stood up to him. She told him that her hair would be more beautiful than anyone's one day and that he'd be jealous. It so turns out that this kid turned out to be Aswinn Caradoc, who would grow to fall in love with Meria's rare violet eyes and luscious chocolate hair. Mei likes to bring it up every now and then just for the sake of old times. Plus, Aswinn's reaction is hilarious.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Mei Oswell have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name Meaning: Mei means plum (I found it in a category for names meaning sister on a name site; I will never know why, but it spoke to me so I kept it anyway). Oswell means divine power, though her name does not really have anything to do with powers...yet.

magic_wand Timeline
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This character was created by Jacqueline Kelly on

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