info Overview
Name - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s full name?

Aswinn Caradoc

Age - How old is Aswinn Caradoc?


Gender - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Aswinn Caradoc go by?

As, Winn

Role - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s role in your story?


face Appearance
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aswinn Caradoc have?

He is mostly identifiable by the holographic-metal spear that materializes in his hand when he is in distress (but sometimes it takes a few tries).

Body Type

Thin, with longish legs; he has muscles, they're just not bulging out like he's on steroids, okay?

Skin Tone

Fair, but it is usually tanned because of the sunlight in the farmland.

Race - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s race?


Eye Color - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s eye color?

Sea Green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aswinn Caradoc have?

Slightly thick eyebrows, longish, thick eyelashes

Hair Style - How does Aswinn Caradoc style their hair?

Messy, sort of spiky-ish but not punky, often stands up when he's been working, is tired, stressed, or has been through lots of action. It does not cover his ears.

Hair Color - What color is Aswinn Caradoc’s hair?

Golden Brown

Height - How tall is Aswinn Caradoc?

5' 10"

Weight - How much does Aswinn Caradoc weigh?

134 lbs.

fingerprint Personality
Myers-Briggs Type

ISFP-T (Adventurer)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aswinn Caradoc have?

Aswinn often sticks his hand out to his side in the position to hold his spear in defense and when he's putting up a fight.
When he's sad, he becomes quiet and lost in thought, and pessimism kicks in while he thinks through his emotions. He doesn't show it on the outside except in the way his eyes seem to dull.
In anger, Aswinn is no one to be trifled with. His thin, weak appearance might make people underestimate him, but his spear makes him quite strong and when he is with his spear, he feels himself become agile and quick, and he channels his anger into physical strength rather than hateful words or gestures.
When he's happy, he tends to use the phrase "stars" a lot and zones out, not paying much attention to the real world. He wears a grin that makes him seem dazed.
Fear turns Aswinn into a weakling, unlike how anger supplies strength. He grows weaker and weaker and ends up getting walked all over. His judgment is impaired and he goes along with other people a lot, wiping his brow from cold sweat.

Motivations - What motivates Aswinn Caradoc most?

Aswinn, despite how Meria often takes the lead for him despite his subconscious protests, finds himself feeling protective of Meria. He will do anything to keep her safe when she's in danger and wants her to be happy. When she's injured he's the first one to leap to take care of her, and he doesn't know what he would do if she died.

Flaws - What flaws does Aswinn Caradoc have?

He doesn't always speak for himself, instead following his friend Meria's lead and usually letting her make all the decisions. He doesn't really make his own choices and lets other people walk all over him most of the time.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Aswinn Caradoc have?

He tries not to have any prejudices, but with Meria taking him everywhere, he's started to develop a prejudice against bullies who think that they're stronger than him and Brahman aristocrats.

Talents - What talents does Aswinn Caradoc have?

Aswinn is very at peace with himself and has no trouble with feeling insecure, and that is one thing needed to summon his spear.
He's also talented at altering dysfunctional technology and sometimes is daring enough to create something new.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aswinn Caradoc have?

Refurbishing old tech, hanging out with Meria

flare Magical Stats
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s favorite weapon?


Politics - What politics does Aswinn Caradoc have?

Meria often takes the lead in politics, but later on, Aswinn starts to develop opinions of his own and is an advocate for peaceful protest against the Caste system.

Favorite food - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s favorite food?

There aren't many options, but out of all of the food he's tasted, he most enjoys fresh, juicy peaches that can be picked out in the wilds of the world.

Favorite possession - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s favorite possession?

His spear, which is silver with a tip made of holographic material. It was given to him by his father (what a cliché) only months before he died. It once belonged to his great-grandfather, a warrior of WWIII who was killed in action but whose spear was saved from the battlefield by his general and given to his wife. His wife gave it to her son, Aswinn's grandfather, when he was thirteen so that he could help take care of the family before the Caste system had been perfectly set up. Then it belonged to Aswinn's father, who used it at his work as a Shudra officer for use in catching difficult criminals. Now it belongs to Aswinn, but he mostly just uses it to scare opponents off and is just now, out in the wilds of the world, learning to use it.

Favorite animal - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s favorite animal?

Aswinn's heard of dogs, and he thinks that they sound like they would make good companions.

Favorite color - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s favorite color?

Dark Turquoise or Violet (like Meria's eyes)

Occupation - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s occupation?

Farmer (for now)

info History
Birthday - When is Aswinn Caradoc’s birthday?

August 13th, 33 NA

Education - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s level of education?

Went to school in Fernosi until seventh grade. At age thirteen, when his parents died and the government could no longer afford to keep him in school, he started to work in the fields with Mei and her family before Meria was taken out of school. After a year, Meria started working in the fields with him and the Oswells and they spent most of their free time together.

Background - What is Aswinn Caradoc’s background?

Aswinn Caradoc was born a Shudra in the New Kansas County Hospital of Fernosi eleven months before Meria. Even from a young age, he was close to his parents and enjoyed talking to them, especially at dinner after his father had come home from work. His mother was a night worker, so Aswinn's father took care of him at night, but sometimes he was left at the Oswells' house with Meria and Mei on busy nights. At age five, he started to go to school, and a year later, Meria began going to school, too. The year before Aswinn started to work in the fields, he started to notice that he had a crush on his friend and was disappointed thinking of the day that she would go off into the fields, leaving him behind (his parents could afford schooling for him through twelfth grade). He was looking forward to his future ahead in which he might rise on to be a Vaishya, maybe even a Kshatriya, but he wasn't sure he wanted all that without Meria. One night, when he was having dinner with the Oswells while his parents were out (he was thirteen), disaster struck. His parents had always met at the same street corner after hours to go back home to their son, but that particular night, a drunken Kshatriya driver didn't see them meeting on the curb, and they were killed in the accident (but the driver survived). The driver was immediately outcaste, but Aswinn didn't get the news until he was heading back home for the night and an officer who knew his father well stopped him at the door to his house. He told him about how his parents were killed in the crash, but they didn't tell him the worst of it until the next day when he'd hardly gotten any sleep and was too tired and grief-ridden to even consider doing anything. His aspirations of rising through the Castes were over, and everything that his parents owned was being repossessed. He would live in a small house alone, and work in the fields with Mareo (the boy Cara had a crush on) and the Oswells, and then Meria would join them the next year. But he still had his father's spear. And he still had Meria.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Aswinn Caradoc have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name Meaning: Aswinn literally means "friend with a spear," and Caradoc means loved. He is a beloved friend with a spear which I will make heck'n awesome.

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This character was created by Jacqueline Kelly on

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