info Overview
Name - What is Thomas Didyma’s full name?

Thomas Didyma

Age - How old is Thomas Didyma?

16-17 yrs.

Gender - What is Thomas Didyma’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Thomas Didyma go by?

Tom, "The Last Infernus"

Role - What is Thomas Didyma’s role in your story?

"The Last Infernus"

face Appearance
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Thomas Didyma have?

His violet eyes are a rarity that separates him from regular humans and distinctly mark him as an Infernus.

Body Type

Longish fingers and toes, slightly thin (but not as thin as Durante Oswell or Aswinn Caradoc), strong calves and forearm muscles. Nobody's s'posed to really know this, but he's got some sick abdominals.

Skin Tone

Fair, but like his sister, he is tanned fairly significantly by the sunlight he is regularly exposed to.

Race - What is Thomas Didyma’s race?


Eye Color - What is Thomas Didyma’s eye color?

Violet that sometimes glows brighter in anger, fear, or when he's using his Infernus powers.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Thomas Didyma have?

He actually hasn't grown much facial hair yet, but there's a tiny bit of wispy hair about to come on. Other than that, his eyebrows are slightly thicker than average and his eyelashes are the average length and slightly thick.

Hair Style - How does Thomas Didyma style their hair?

Slightly more shaggy than most peoples' hair because he lives out in the wilderness, but it's fairly trimmed considering that fact. It's slightly wavy and more shaggy in the front than in the back.

Hair Color - What color is Thomas Didyma’s hair?

Chocolate Brown

Height - How tall is Thomas Didyma?

5'9" (slightly short in comparison with others)

Weight - How much does Thomas Didyma weigh?

132 lbs.

fingerprint Personality
Myers-Briggs Type

ISTP-A (Virtuoso)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Thomas Didyma have?

When he's angry, he often bottles it up and seethes within the confines of his own mind, but when he has to blow, he fumes and rants and sometimes ends up breaking nearby objects and relationships. His eyes often glow.
Thomas isn't quite as open of a crier, though he does cry some when he's in distress. When he does end up crying, however, he never wipes his eyes and cries silently, vowing not to be like the people of the past and accept her tears willingly but with strength.
His excitement is often unbolstered and manifests in mischievous grins, sprinting, and loud choruses of compliments and joyous remarks. When he's ecstatic, he fidgets a lot, but when he's simply contented, he tries to remain as calm and collected as possible. Most of these things are kept to a minimum.
When Thomas is afraid, his eyes seem ablaze just like in anger. He tenses up and speaks with rigidity. Any attempts to console him are worthless because he registers each remark with a tight nod and his quick, rigid speech refutes all consolation.
His regular attitude is often swaggering and confident, but he also sometimes shrugs or speaks with a slight growl, especially when he's speaking with his newfound sister.

Motivations - What motivates Thomas Didyma most?

Thomas was left alone in the wilderness by Sente Anvir when he was seven years old and deemed strong enough to fend for himself. It took him a few years to realize why and what had happened, and ever since then, he's sought revenge on Anvir--and he's wanted to discover who his family was...and who might be left. Thomas just doesn't want to be alone in the world without any knowledge of where he came from or who he is.

Flaws - What flaws does Thomas Didyma have?

Thomas has trouble trusting people ever since he was left in the wild by Sente Anvir and takes many things much too seriously. He can be insensitive since he doesn't have much social experience and will fight without mercy, even against his own sister.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Thomas Didyma have?

He doesn't like people who turn their backs on others, lie a lot, or care too much about themselves. Government officials are a pet peeve of his.

Talents - What talents does Thomas Didyma have?

Thomas is really good at finding food, taming animals, making shelters, and medicines--he had to be to survive in the wild.
Besides his survival talents, he's also a decent cook and a very dangerous opponent in hand-to-hand or weaponized combat.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Thomas Didyma have?

When Thomas has a little spare time, he likes to try to create things out of leaves, sticks, stones, berries, and other things that he finds. He also trains himself in combat.

flare Magical Stats
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Thomas Didyma’s favorite weapon?

Inferno Gem/Infernus Powers

Politics - What politics does Thomas Didyma have?

Thomas thinks that Infernuses should be praised and given more power instead of hated and trodden upon.

Favorite food - What is Thomas Didyma’s favorite food?

Thomas' favorite thing that he's ever eaten is a year-round golden tomato that he somehow snagged from the Chandala village or a Shudra field or somewhere like that once.

Favorite possession - What is Thomas Didyma’s favorite possession?

His Powers

Favorite animal - What is Thomas Didyma’s favorite animal?

Lions sound like the kind of creature that he would like to represent.

Favorite color - What is Thomas Didyma’s favorite color?

Red. It reminds him of fire.

Occupation - What is Thomas Didyma’s occupation?


info History
Birthday - When is Thomas Didyma’s birthday?

July 4th, 34 NA (New Age)

Education - What is Thomas Didyma’s level of education?

Self-taught in the ways of the wild, combat, and cooking.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Thomas Didyma have?

He has conjured up a Firebird before, but it fizzled out and he couldn't remember how he'd done it.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name Meaning: Thomas means "twin," alluding to the fact that he is Meria's twin. Didyma comes from "Didymus," which also means "twin."

magic_wand Timeline
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Thomas Didyma

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Thomas Didyma

This character was created by Jacqueline Kelly on

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