info Overview
Name - What is Cara Septis’s full name?

Cara Septis

Age - How old is Cara Septis?


Gender - What is Cara Septis’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Cara Septis go by?

Cara doesn't have any nicknames. She prefers to be called by her own name, and there isn't much you can do to shorten Cara anyway.

Role - What is Cara Septis’s role in your story?

Chandala; Former Vaishya

face Appearance
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cara Septis have?

Bent Leg

Body Type

Not very curvy, terribly underweight (on the brink of starvation), long, thin fingers and toes, with a slight girth and elegantly built hands and feet.
Her leg broke in a storm accident when she was seventeen/eighteen or so and lack of treatment caused a delayed union which quickly turned into a nonunion as time wore on and her leg did not receive treatment. She is now crippled, though she maintains her former beautiful self.

Skin Tone

Fair, but it becomes greatly tanned with all the time she spends out in the sun. It burns slightly easier than most skin, and so Meria frequently has to bring her sunscreen in the summertime. She has a small sprinkling of freckles dashed across her nose.

Race - What is Cara Septis’s race?


Eye Color - What is Cara Septis’s eye color?

Clear Blue (as described by Meria); Sky Blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cara Septis have?

Slightly thick, smooth eyebrows and thick, average length eyelashes that give off a Cinderella sort of vibe.

Hair Style - How does Cara Septis style their hair?

Often tied up in a ponytail with an old cloth or a piece of string, but sometimes Meria braids it up nicely for her. In the winter she wears it down to protect her ears from the cold. It's to her elbows when her arms are by her sides and it's slightly wavy.

Hair Color - What color is Cara Septis’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Height - How tall is Cara Septis?

5' 8"

Weight - How much does Cara Septis weigh?

119 lbs. (underweight)

fingerprint Personality
Myers-Briggs Type

INFJ-A (Advocate)

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cara Septis have?

When she's happy, she smiles meekly and makes a sweet remark that is often in the form of a friendly question. She either tucks her hair behind her ears demurely or makes an elegant hand gesture in her heart region.
Cara is very cool, calm, and collected, and so she rarely gets angry, but when she is angry, she becomes a torrent of tears and cries of fury. She flings her arms to her sides and makes wide, wild gestures an alarming amount, and once she's realized that she's lost herself, she leaves the room meekly and cries to herself in guilt.
When Cara is afraid, she tries to keep herself moving, whether that's twiddling her thumbs in her first encounter with Mareo or running towards the Chandala field when she is exiled from her home, she tries to have some sort of movement to distract herself from her shaky speech and clammy nerves.
Sadness is not a flattering emotion on Cara. She is beautiful even with tears streaming down her face and sobs escaping her throat, but seeing this sweet, gentle girl in distress causes those around her to become downcast and as sorrowful as she is. Her head becomes bowed as she cries, and she is not a quiet crier like Meria or Aswinn. When it rains, it pours, and Cara's emotions become a miserable flood.

Motivations - What motivates Cara Septis most?

Cara yearns to see Mareo again, and one of the few things that keeps her going is the hope that one day she can speak to him again (though she hardly spoke to him in the first place) and reconcile herself. She often asks Meria and Aswinn how the farm work is going, but in all honesty, she wants to know if Mareo is well.
Cara was also close with her younger brother, Charles. She wants to talk to him again and explain to him everything that has happened to her and to see his sweet face again. He's only eight; he deserves to know the truth about her exile.

Flaws - What flaws does Cara Septis have?

Cara is slightly clumsy, and that is part of the reason that her leg is broken: she didn't get out of the way in time and ended up making her position worse when the house fell on her.
She's also a bit too trusting and gets lost in her thoughts too often to have much clarity during big events. This is one of the things that causes her untimely demise.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cara Septis have?

Cara doesn't like the Caste system any more than Meria and Aswinn and has fallen prey to it more than once: when she fell in love with a Shudra farmer, and when she was exiled and became Untouchable. Therefore, she is against the Brahmans and Kshatriyas that have maintained the Caste rules and caused her so many difficulties.

Talents - What talents does Cara Septis have?

Singing, Journaling

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cara Septis have?

Cara is a talented singer, though any time she tries to sing her attempts are stifled by fellow Chandalas with scathing irritability.
When she lived in her family's wealthy Vaishya home, she kept a journal, but it was left behind in her quick escape to the Chandala village. Instead, she keeps a journal in her head, writing things down on the blank pages of her mind as she watches the lives of others from her shack.

flare Magical Stats
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Cara Septis’s favorite weapon?

If Cara were to fight, she would choose the strongest stick with a long, thin build that she could find and whack people over the head. That is, if she were a fighter.

Politics - What politics does Cara Septis have?

Believes that the social classes should be amended--it's okay to have them, she supposes, but with less hard lines than there are.

Favorite food - What is Cara Septis’s favorite food?

Anything that Meria brings her is a blessing, so she's not picky about food.

Favorite possession - What is Cara Septis’s favorite possession?

Cara's favorite item is her journal, but it's at her house--maybe even at the dump by now, so she has to rely on her mind for writing things down.

Favorite animal - What is Cara Septis’s favorite animal?

For some reason, Cara just loves hedgehogs. They sound like a bundle of spiky joy.

Favorite color - What is Cara Septis’s favorite color?

Green. Life.

Occupation - What is Cara Septis’s occupation?

Before, she was planning on going to college and becoming a nurse, but now she is an unemployed invalid who has no way of gaining income for herself.

info History

October, 50 NA

Birthday - When is Cara Septis’s birthday?

March 14th, 32 NA

Education - What is Cara Septis’s level of education?

Cara was chased from her home at seventeen, so she was educated well through high school before becoming a Chandala in her senior year. She went to one of the greatest schools in New Kansas County.

Background - What is Cara Septis’s background?

Cara was born to a family of wealthy Vaishyas. Her father was an entrepreneur for a power company and her mother was the daughter of the president of food distribution. She had an older sister who was born five years before her and is already married and a little brother who was born in 42 NA named Charles. She always enjoyed journaling and often sang along to piano music at company parties, but one day, a farmhand bringing in vegetables to the kitchen caught her eye. Cara, being the clumsy girl that she was at seventeen, accidentally knocked over the entire crate of golden tomatoes he was carrying. He introduced himself and she told him her name, but her mother walked in to find her helping Mareo pick up the tomatoes and sent her to her room at once for socializing with a Shudra farmer. It was forbidden. She started sneaking out to talk to him during lunchtime at school, and soon she started to develop at crush on him. She never knew if he returned those feelings or not, but one day she was going to visit him and her father found out, so he began yelling at her in vehement fury for associating with Shudras ("filth"). So Cara ran for it, and Mareo suffered the wrath of her father as Cara became an Outcaste Chandala.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cara Septis have?

She used to have a kitten named Frosty before she left. She now belongs to Charles, and Cara is glad that he has a companion.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name Meaning: Cara means friend. Septis is derived from Sephtis, which means "eternal death" and could be the sealing of her fate.

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This character was created by Jacqueline Kelly on

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