info Overview
Name - What is Durante Oswell’s full name?

Durante Oswell

Age - How old is Durante Oswell?


Gender - What is Durante Oswell’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Durante Oswell go by?

Ran, Mr. Oswell, Pa, Memorante

Role - What is Durante Oswell’s role in your story?

Shudra, Parent

face Appearance
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Durante Oswell have?

Occasional Mustache

Body Type

Tall, thin, lanky, slightly bony wrists, built a little bit like Aswinn Caradoc.

Skin Tone

Tanned even from his youth, but if he spends too much time indoors with an illness or something, it becomes a shade or two paler very quickly.

Race - What is Durante Oswell’s race?


Eye Color - What is Durante Oswell’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Durante Oswell have?

There are a few times that he chooses to grow a bit of a mustache, but most of the time he's clean-shaven, except early in the morning. Every now and then he'll forget to shave and be slightly scruffy by the end of the day.
He has long eyelashes (a trait passed on to Mei) and average-thickness eyebrows that are a little bit longer than others' on average.

Hair Style - How does Durante Oswell style their hair?

Cut short but not like a buzz cut, exposed ears.

Hair Color - What color is Durante Oswell’s hair?

Currently a little bit more on the dark greyish side, it used to be dark brown, close to about how dark Meria's hair is but just a bit darker (a beneficial trait for hiding her).

Height - How tall is Durante Oswell?


Weight - How much does Durante Oswell weigh?

141.5 lbs.

fingerprint Personality
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Durante Oswell have?

When he's nervous or flattered, he tries to hide it as best as he can, but he scratches behind his ear and clasps his hands behind his back like his daughter, Mei.
In fear, Durante is solemn and quiet, trying not to be too shaky or too stiff, though he mutters quickly and whispers stiffly under his breath to console himself. He keeps his head bowed as if bowing to some sort of authority.
Durante is a lecturer. He likes to lecture his daughters, his wife, his coworkers when he's upset with them. He's pretty quiet most of the time, but when he's in a lecturing mood, he hardly knows where to begin with the remarks.
When Durante is sad, he bows his head just as in fear, and becomes even more quiet than usual, remaining solemn as in fear and becoming easily distracted from what he's doing by what's going on inside his head.
Happiness is hard to find signs of in Durante. When he's happy, there are few signs, except for the fact that he whistles sometimes when he's very, very happy or excited. The best signs of happiness to look for in Durante are focus, silence, and the occasional slightest grin.

Motivations - What motivates Durante Oswell most?

Durante's early motivations were simple happiness and continuing the family tradition of farming in New Kansas County. However, once he was married and had two children, he became more focused on (besides farming) protecting his family and not causing any trouble so that the government wouldn't have any reason to make life difficult for them.

Flaws - What flaws does Durante Oswell have?

Durante is a little too accepting of what's going on in the government and considers such babble beyond his station in life and his control. He's a bystander, and he doesn't always take charge when he should.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Durante Oswell have?

He doesn't like busybodies who are much too meddlesome and disobedient to last in the tough world of Fernosi. Plus, they dig their noses into everyone's business like a bunch of gossiping gossipers.

Talents - What talents does Durante Oswell have?

Durante is talented at farming and keeping the family tradition of farming alive. When he was younger, he was also talented at playing memory games as well.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Durante Oswell have?

He doesn't have much time for hobbies since he's always busy farming, but when he was younger, he spent a lot of his free time challenging friends and family to memory games.

flare Magical Stats
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Durante Oswell’s favorite weapon?

Not a violence-inflicting guy.

Politics - What politics does Durante Oswell have?

Doesn't like to meddle. Can't vote.

Favorite food - What is Durante Oswell’s favorite food?

Not picky.

Favorite possession - What is Durante Oswell’s favorite possession?

There aren't many special possessions in this world besides enchanted spears and journals, but to Durante, a memory of his family's faces is the best thing he has.

Favorite animal - What is Durante Oswell’s favorite animal?

He's heard of foxes. Never seen one, but they've interested him since the earliest mention of them in primary school.

Favorite color - What is Durante Oswell’s favorite color?

Anything that's unassuming and doesn't draw too much attention to himself. In other words, steely grey and birch wood stain are very prominent in his tastes.

Occupation - What is Durante Oswell’s occupation?


info History
Birthday - When is Durante Oswell’s birthday?

June 16th, 8 NA

Education - What is Durante Oswell’s level of education?

Went to a Shudra public school in New Kansas County until the age of thirteen.

Background - What is Durante Oswell’s background?

Durante was born to two Shudra farmers. Their parents had been farmers, and their parents had been farmers even before WWIII. It was said that the Oswells were farmers since the dawn of time, though many refused to believe it. Durante was incredibly talented at memory games, and he would play them all the time: with his friends in the courtyard before school and during free time and lunch; with family during gatherings and visits; with fellow Shudras in the marketplace after school and on days off. It earned him a nickname: Memorante. He didn't care for it, but it was his title. After all that time, he started working in the fields with his family at the age of thirteen. There he met Azalia Brown, a slightly short, friendly girl of his age. They liked to talk to each other as they worked and made each other laugh. Here, Durante forgot all about his time as Memorante and was set on work and focused on continuing the Oswell tradition. However, when he was seventeen, Azalia's father injured his leg very terribly and he felt a moral obligation to comfort his friend. He invited her over to dinner with his family several times during those months and she confided in him her fears that he father would soon be sent away to live among the Chandalas. Then, one night, as Durante was walking Azalia home, they had their first kiss. Azalia went home with the intent of telling her parents, but she came hom to find that her father's time had run out and that he was gone. Despite her anguished sadness and the loneliness of her mother, Durante was still a close friend through all of this. They loved each other, and when they were only nineteen, they were married. When they were twenty-four, Azalia gave birth to their first child: Mei. They were boundlessly happy at the arrival of their baby girl. However, about a year after Mei was born, Azalia went out one night to the recently-destroyed Infernus village after a terrible stroke of genocide. Durante was worried. What would become of Mei if her mother was outcaste for her involvement? But a few hours later, Azalia came home carrying another baby in her arms. The child was covered in soot and crying as much as any newborn would after their family was lost. Seeing this infant in such distress, despite Durante's resolve not to cause too much trouble, they were soon calling Meria Oswell their second child and claimed that they had adopted her from a nearby children's home. No one but her adopted parents knew that Meria was an Infernus, and that was how it was to remain.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Durante Oswell have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name Meaning: Oswell means "divinely powerful," and it doesn't really link to his character, but Durante means "firm; enduring," which might say something about his personality.

magic_wand Timeline
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This character was created by Jacqueline Kelly on

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