Chandala Village
This is a village for the Outcastes and is not government-protected, so it is deep in poverty.
In a nutshell, "Every man for himself."
There are no sports played. Everyone is too busy trying to survive and no one has time to waste their energy and food on sports.
The only laws there are in the village is that they cannot receive assistance from the outside and that they cannot be near people who have fallen in love with a person from another Caste.
Trading; money has no value.
54 (53 after the death of Cara Septis)
No specified (varies from country to country).
There are a few successful bean plants and one thriving year-round golden tomato bush bloomed from a stolen seed. Most of the crops are reserved for the sick, injured, and young, but Cara is exempt from all distribution.
It is very windy and hot, but sometimes it's chilly in the winter weather and there are tornadoes during tornado season as well as violent storms.
About a quarter mile from the Shudra marketplace on the outskirts of New Kansas County's Captial City. East.
This is a field area with a very small radius--about a 330 feet.
There have been no wars here, and no rebellions, either. Only once was there trouble, and that was when the first Chandala village of Fernosi was dug up by government workers in search of the Inferno Gem in October 50 NA.
25 NA
This village was built from the ground up after the first Chandala family, the Perdos, were removed from their home after a publicly humiliating government investigation. They built themselves the first-ever Outcaste shack and started a small, perpetually-impoverished village on the outskirts of New Kansas County's most powerful city.
This location was created by Jacqueline Kelly on
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