info Overview
Name - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s full name?

Adeline Winterbourne

Role - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s role in your story?

Queen of Ecra

Gender - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s gender?


Age - How old is Adeline Winterbourne?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Adeline Winterbourne weigh?


Height - How tall is Adeline Winterbourne?


Hair Color - What color is Adeline Winterbourne’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Adeline Winterbourne style their hair?

Long hair, straight

Eye Color - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s eye color?


Race - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Adeline Winterbourne have?

her eyes

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Adeline Winterbourne have?

stands straighter when she feels threatened, light on her feet, quiet, still, tilts head when thinking,

Motivations - What motivates Adeline Winterbourne most?

Personal gain

Flaws - What flaws does Adeline Winterbourne have?

wicked, cruel, aggressive, self centered,

Prejudices - What prejudices does Adeline Winterbourne have?

hates the fae and the seldra fae & any immortal beings.

Talents - What talents does Adeline Winterbourne have?

blessed with magic of darkness, demons blessed or i guess dammned

Hobbies - What hobbies does Adeline Winterbourne have?

murder :)

Personality type - What personality type is Adeline Winterbourne?

closed off, deadly, dangerous, secretive.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Adeline Winterbourne practice?

believes in angels and demons and that's about it.

Politics - What politics does Adeline Winterbourne have?

absolute rule

Occupation - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s favorite color?

black or dark purple

Favorite food - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s favorite food?

anything with meat

Favorite possession - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s favorite possession?

family crown

Favorite weapon - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s favorite weapon?

her own magic

date_range History
Birthday - When is Adeline Winterbourne’s birthday?

22nd day of the first winter month

Education - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s level of education?


Background - What is Adeline Winterbourne’s background?

She was born into the Winterbourne empire. Her parents hated all immortal creatures, but did not act on their hatred. Adeline, however, grew up jelaous. She wanted to have the same powers as them, wanted to be as deadly as they were. She was the heir to the throne, her parents saw Verena, her younger sister as unfit, and Verena never really liked Adeline. Verena was the kinder side to Adeline's dark coin, Verena loved the Fae and witches and nymphs and seldra and little folk. She adored anything magical, her parents tried to get her to stop but she wouldn't. Adeline would pray to the gods every night to give her the same powers as the Seldra, but she got nothing in return. So instead, she found a dark king, when she was twenty and to soon take up the throne. The king had found a way to open a rift between worlds, and opened one into the Dark World. The rift could be open and shut with a certain type of healing power. The process was nearly draining, but a skilled healer could rip the seems of the world and into another with the proper instructions and a set of dark stones that could form a power into something more. Adeline stayed at this dark kings castle, learning all he had to know about the Dark World before she went in, searching for a dark king. Her jealousy fueld her and she mad a deal with one of the demon kings. She would get an endless amount of dark power if she would let them come to her world, to take it for themselves. She never knew why, but because she was young and reckless and jelous, she agreed, and gained the dark power she sought. A lesser prince taught her how to weild it, and when she took up the throne after her parents death, she was unstoppable. Verena could see through her though, knew all her plans, but Adeline kept her around. After she had murdered their parents, some little shred of her soul couldn't bare to loose Verena as well. So she let her stay. Let her think she could make a difference from the inside while Adeline overtook countries, all in preperation for the dark army that was being raised in the Dark World. Three years into her rule, she brought one of the dark kings into Onia, and gave him a spot within Ecra, hidden in the moutains, to plan and create a number of montrosities. The dark magic Adeline had bargained for slowly chipped away at her soul and humanity until she became something even she didn't recognize. She begged the king to take it back, but he refused, and instead took away her humanity entirely. Washed her of herself, until she became a demon stuck in a humans skin. When Adeline found out about Kenna, she feared for her life.

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Songs that fit them

Monster: Imagine Dragons

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