info Overview
Name - What is Gaia Whitewood’s full name?

Gaia Whitewood

Role - What is Gaia Whitewood’s role in your story?

Princess of Whitewood

Gender - What is Gaia Whitewood’s gender?


Age - How old is Gaia Whitewood?


Name Meaning


face Looks
Weight - How much does Gaia Whitewood weigh?


Height - How tall is Gaia Whitewood?


Hair Color - What color is Gaia Whitewood’s hair?

dark brown

Hair Style - How does Gaia Whitewood style their hair?

Her hair is long and she usually wears it up in intricate braids or buns, occasionaly wears it down and curled.

Eye Color - What is Gaia Whitewood’s eye color?

Steel grey

Race - What is Gaia Whitewood’s race?

Gaia is Fae and apart of the Fair Folk.

Linked Races

Skin Tone


Body Type

thin and lightly muscled, she has a pear-shaped body.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Gaia Whitewood have?

Her eyes, she has scars traveling from her left wrist to her elbow, when she fell out of a tree when she was younger and broke her entire forearm and elbow.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Gaia Whitewood have?

She holds herself tall, maintains eye contact, walks with a jutted chin, she tends to make herself look taller in a room of people. When thinking she often chews the inside of her cheek or chews her nails. She twirls her hair when bored. She goes still when surprised or scared, she tends to speak louder when she's angry. She sits straight and often taps her fingers against her leg when she gets impatient.

Motivations - What motivates Gaia Whitewood most?

She wants to rule the Whitewood Kingdom and will stop at nothing to reach her goal. She wants to rebuild her kingdom, and prove herself worthy to her father and others. She wants justice for the wrongs that have been done by her father. She wants to see a better world.

Flaws - What flaws does Gaia Whitewood have?

-She tends to place others above herself to a fault.

-She gets stuck on a goal it's hard for her to do anything else until it's achieved

-She can become moody or quick-tempered when people interrupt her process of achieving a goal

-She's a perfectionist and will work herself until she can't stand until she gets whatever she's working on perfect.

-She can be obsessive

-She can be manipulative, and is not opposed to deceiving others to get her way, but only in a situation that absolutely calls for it.

-She oftentimes can't see the value of others opinions

Prejudices - What prejudices does Gaia Whitewood have?

She believes humans to be rage and jealousy driven, and violent creatures. She has a distrust for all Endoran people, seeing how they treated others like herself.

Talents - What talents does Gaia Whitewood have?

She is blessed with the ability to control nature. She's a natural-born leader and is able to come up with quick solutions to problems, as well as take others' input into consideration.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Gaia Whitewood have?

She loves to read, garden, and take walks through the forest.

Personality type - What personality type is Gaia Whitewood?

Gaia is kind of like a mix of both introvert and extrovert. When she becomes passionate about a subject she will have no problem speaking her mind. She voices her beliefs and opinions. But she also likes to spend time by herself and can get drained when she is around people too often. She's always looking for problems she can solve, and she sees things from a long-range perspective. She likes to bring the best out in people and tends to believe people good until she is proven wrong. She is an empath and can sense others' feelings, but she tries not to let it affect her much, though she does like to make others feel better. She is dependable and always follows through on promises. She is trustworthy and understanding of people's feelings, people see her as someone they can confide in. She is naturally driven to lead and driven to accomplish set goals.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Gaia Whitewood practice?

She believes in gods and goddesses.

Politics - What politics does Gaia Whitewood have?

She is a princess, and she believes in a constitutional monarchy where people can vote on what effects them.

Occupation - What is Gaia Whitewood’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Gaia Whitewood’s favorite color?

periwinkle blue

Favorite food - What is Gaia Whitewood’s favorite food?

Any type of fruit.

Favorite possession - What is Gaia Whitewood’s favorite possession?

Her mother's necklace.

Favorite weapon - What is Gaia Whitewood’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Gaia Whitewood’s favorite animal?




date_range History
Birthday - When is Gaia Whitewood’s birthday?

The twentieth day of the first spring month.

Education - What is Gaia Whitewood’s level of education?


Background - What is Gaia Whitewood’s background?

Gaia was born the daughter of a young Fae woman, who had struck a deal with the King and Queen of Whitewood to let them adopt her, as they thought that having a Fair Folk as a princess would bring unity to both the Fae and the Whitewood Kingdom, and it did. Gaia grew up in the palace and never knew her real mother. She has her necklace, though, and has worn it ever since she was young. She didn't realize she wasn't the Whitewood's real child until her adoptive mother, the Queen, told her so. It shattered her, and she felt she did not belong in the palace. Her feline pupils and pointed ears became a thing she hated and was ashamed of. She eventually grew to love them, as she learned more of the Fae heritage and what she was capable of. Growing up around politics, she discovered many of her own beliefs and found she did not agree with the way her father ran their Kingdom. She also found she had a desire and a drive to lead. But because she was adopted, and a female, she was deemed not fit to rule the Whitewood kingdom, and Julian, her older brother, was given the title as heir. Gaia was basically a prop, used in public events to appease the Fae. Gaia protested her father on a greater position for years, saying Julian didn't even want to be king (which he didn't) but he wouldn't budge. Eventually, Gaia broke through him enough to give her a position of power. A war strategist. She seized the opportunity and became immersed in the world of politics, and was often found seated at her brother's side in meetings. She would speak her mind in these meetings, though others would hold back. She was driven to speak on behalf of the people, and would often step above her position and propose her own plans and steps of action, which would normally be shut down. She enjoyed making others happy and to bring the best out in them, but she would not let it follow her into her political life. She was able to see the tyrant her father was, and so could Julian. The two began to confide in each other, their fears for what their father may bring the kingdom to. And that their youngest sister seemed to be following in his footsteps. They feared he may become like Adeline, and seize other countries for his own. Gaia began to voice these fears publicly, under a false name and persona. People tried to silence her, but she continued to write and speak of the horrors her father committed behind the scenes.

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edit Notes
Songs that fit them

Speechless: Naomi Scott
Show & Tell: Melanie Martinez
That Bitch: Bea Miller

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