info Overview
Name - What is Nadia Abano’s full name?

Nadia Abano

Role - What is Nadia Abano’s role in your story?

water nymph

Gender - What is Nadia Abano’s gender?


Age - How old is Nadia Abano?

200 years old

face Looks
Weight - How much does Nadia Abano weigh?


Height - How tall is Nadia Abano?


Hair Color - What color is Nadia Abano’s hair?

deep black

Hair Style - How does Nadia Abano style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nadia Abano have?


Eye Color - What is Nadia Abano’s eye color?

Cloudy grey

Race - What is Nadia Abano’s race?

water nymph

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nadia Abano have?

clouded eyes, tail.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nadia Abano have?

Tilts her head to the side when thinking almost in an animal way, speaks gently when worried, all her steps seem planned and gentle.

Motivations - What motivates Nadia Abano most?

A better world, peace.

Flaws - What flaws does Nadia Abano have?

territorial, quick to anger, temperamental, cruel, overly honest.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nadia Abano have?

Distrusts all humans.

Talents - What talents does Nadia Abano have?

She can control water.

Personality type - What personality type is Nadia Abano?

outspoken, quiet, graceful, honest, trustworthy.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Nadia Abano practice?


Occupation - What is Nadia Abano’s occupation?

spokesperson of her tribe of water nymphs.

Favorite color - What is Nadia Abano’s favorite color?

deep blue

Favorite food - What is Nadia Abano’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Nadia Abano’s favorite possession?

golden locket.

Favorite weapon - What is Nadia Abano’s favorite weapon?

her own powers.

Favorite animal - What is Nadia Abano’s favorite animal?

any type of sea life.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Nadia Abano’s birthday?

The first day of the first month of spring.

Education - What is Nadia Abano’s level of education?


Background - What is Nadia Abano’s background?

Nadia was wed to a pirate when she was eighteen. She would follow him on all his travelings and moved with him to a remote island in the Western Ocean. They had been traveling through a rough storm, and the ship crashed. Her husband had died, but as she clung to the rocks, on her death bed, a young water nymph had taken an interest to her. Nadia had died, but her body had been drug down into the depths of the sea and presented to a tribe of sea nymphs. They had presented her to their mother, Sequena, Goddess of the sea, to be reborn as one of her daughters. She had been proven worthy and been reborn as a sea nymph. It had taken a long time to come to terms with her new life, but over 200 years she rose in the ranks and became the representative of her tribe of sea nymphs, and gained a large influence over other tribes as well. Sea nymphs used to be kind, helpful creatures eating only plants on the bottom of the sea, but as time crept on and the magic began disappearing from the lands, the nymphs started to take notes from their long distant sisters, the sirens, and began to feast on human bodies. Nadia had refused to leave the Western Ocean with the others, as this was where her husband had died, so her and her tribe stayed, dominating a small forgotten cove. A young girl had begun to visit there, feeding them bodies occasionally, but most of the time she would just sit, watch. Wait. Nadia could tell she knew what lurked in the waters, and Nadia could also tell the girl was Fae, though she hid it well. Over the months the girl would visit, always quiet and thoughtful, Nadia gained some kind of trust of the young woman. One day, she dared revealed herself to her and crept as close as she dared. She had woven her a crown, of branches and seaweed and pearls and flowers. The girl had accepted the gift, and Nadia dove back into the deeps.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

As part of their magic, Water Nymphs are able to take on a human body and live outside of the water. Many do not take advantage of this, however, because they feel connected to the water and miss it when they are gone. Nymphs are immortal.

Songs that fit them

What The Water Gave Me: Florence and the Machine
Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea: MISSIO


This character was created by kiley on

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