info Overview
Name - What is Keres Bloodworth’s full name?

Keres Bloodworth

Role - What is Keres Bloodworth’s role in your story?

Heir of the Bloodworth witch coven

Gender - What is Keres Bloodworth’s gender?


Age - How old is Keres Bloodworth?

100 years old

Name Meaning

Death Spirits

face Looks
Weight - How much does Keres Bloodworth weigh?


Height - How tall is Keres Bloodworth?


Hair Color - What color is Keres Bloodworth’s hair?

deep brown

Hair Style - How does Keres Bloodworth style their hair?

Long hair, straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Keres Bloodworth have?


Eye Color - What is Keres Bloodworth’s eye color?

deep brown

Race - What is Keres Bloodworth’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Keres Bloodworth have?

She has a circular branding around the edge of her right eye, one all Bloodworth witches have.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Keres Bloodworth have?

She stands with good posture, she's constantly observing her eyes are constantly moving, her voice often goes lower when she's nervous or upset, she tends to snarl or bare her teeth in an almost animal-like way when she's mad or feels threatened, she bounces her leg when nervous or thinking, bites the inside of her cheek when thinking, when she lies her fingers usually move or she touches her chest.

Motivations - What motivates Keres Bloodworth most?

Pride, justice, she wants to prove herself worthy to other witches, she wants to reclaim her title as heir, and (eventually) friendship.

Flaws - What flaws does Keres Bloodworth have?

She can be aggressive, has little feelings of kindness or compassion, has a hard time sympathizing with others, she can be snappy, and has little tolerance for ignorance or stupidity. She is impatient and likes to be in control at all times. Terrible at public speaking.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Keres Bloodworth have?

She has an instilled distrust of other witch covens and nymphs.

Talents - What talents does Keres Bloodworth have?

Good at swordplay, she's a good strategist, good at getting things done quickly and efficiently.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Keres Bloodworth have?

Whenever she finds time she enjoys listening to Will read her stories, though it does not happen often, and she would never admit to it.

Personality type - What personality type is Keres Bloodworth?

Controlling, aggressive, cold, distant, strategist, realist and has a hard time imagining possibilities that are not current, thinks logically, follows-through on promises and bargains.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Keres Bloodworth practice?

She believes in gods and goddesses, most witches worship Csilla, goddess of the moon and stars, and Enyo, goddess of war and slow death.

Politics - What politics does Keres Bloodworth have?

She used to believe in a monarchy but during her character arc begins to believe in a free government where leaders are not born but chosen by the people.

Occupation - What is Keres Bloodworth’s occupation?

With coven leader

Favorite color - What is Keres Bloodworth’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Keres Bloodworth’s favorite food?

deer meat

Favorite possession - What is Keres Bloodworth’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Keres Bloodworth’s favorite weapon?

Bastard sword

Favorite animal - What is Keres Bloodworth’s favorite animal?



Never explicitly stated, but she would be Pansexual.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Keres Bloodworth’s birthday?

Sixth day of the first month of spring

Education - What is Keres Bloodworth’s level of education?


Background - What is Keres Bloodworth’s background?

Keres was born into the Bloodworth witch coven, one of the most feared covens, known for their harsh rulers and ways of life. From the moment she could walk, her mother began to train her. Her mother was the head of the coven and a cold and brutal leader. She trained Keres to be unfeeling, unforgiving, and cruel. Keres took these in stride. She was molded into a weapon, trained to kill from the moment she was able to hold a sword. When she grew older, she began to enjoy the rush of killing and began to do it for fun. Men of the small mountain villages were her main target. As Keres continued, she became one of the most feared witches, and she became influential, powerful. There were whispers of her being even more skilled, harsh, and brutal than her mother. Only whispers, though, because any negative talk to the witch coven leader would end with someone's head on a spike. But as Keres grew more powerful, adapting skills not only from her mother but from other, older, matrons as well, her mother began to see her as a threat. She broke Keres's ankle and made sure it could not heal properly, making Keres walk with a limp. This physical imperfection made Keres a lesser in her mother's eyes. Out of defiance against her mother, Keres saw a healer for months to fix the injury, until she could walk properly again. Her mother, furious, gave Keres seven lashings in front of the entire coven, hoping to make the witches lose respect for Keres. But Keres took each lashing and did not flinch. She gained more respect from the witches, and her mother, in rage, stripped Keres of her title as heir and instead gifted it to her cousin, Asena. Keres had been dropped to the lowest ranking of witch, and was stuck cooking and cleaning and waiting on higher ranking witches. This only made her incredibly angry, and desperate to regain what she had lost. Though everyone knew Keres was better than Asena, Asena began to pride herself on the gaining of her title. Keres and Asena began a rivalry, each trying to outrank each other, and Keres managed to move up through the ranks of witches until she was right under Asena in terms of power.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Songs that fit them

Lilith: Ellise
Tounges & Teeth: The Crane Wives
Wicked Ones: Dorothy


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