info Overview
Name - What is Caspian Shor’s full name?

Caspian Shor

Role - What is Caspian Shor’s role in your story?

rebel ally

Other names - What other aliases does Caspian Shor go by?


Gender - What is Caspian Shor’s gender?


Age - How old is Caspian Shor?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Caspian Shor weigh?


Height - How tall is Caspian Shor?


Hair Color - What color is Caspian Shor’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Caspian Shor style their hair?

longer, shoulder-length almost, straight. Usually tied back

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Caspian Shor have?


Eye Color - What is Caspian Shor’s eye color?

Deep brown, nearly black.

Race - What is Caspian Shor’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lean and lightly muscled.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Caspian Shor have?

Eyes, his hair, the tatto that runs from his left hands fingertips to his shoulder and across his chest.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Caspian Shor have?

Walks on his heels, stands still, eyes are always moving around a room, rubs his thumb against his pointer finger when nervous, bites the inside of his cheek when thinking, speaks in a whisper when angry, lighter speaking voice, good posture, furrows his brows.

Motivations - What motivates Caspian Shor most?

He wants to get rid of the Winterbourne empire and the dark world. Love for Acyn and for his friends.

Flaws - What flaws does Caspian Shor have?

Loyal to a fault, bottles up emotions, often doesn't show any reaction, distant emotionally, cold.

Talents - What talents does Caspian Shor have?

Good with weapons, smart, quick-thinker, good planner, and strategist.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Caspian Shor have?

Caspian likes to watch theater when he has the time, which isn't often.

Personality type - What personality type is Caspian Shor?

Withdrawn and distant, he bottles up his emotions and often seems as if he has no reaction to anything. But he's incredibly smart and quick on his feet, he works well under pressure. He's an introvert and doesn't enjoy being in big groups of people. He's a good strategist and a good listener.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Caspian Shor practice?

Believes in gods and goddesses

Politics - What politics does Caspian Shor have?

Believes in a constitutional monarchy

Occupation - What is Caspian Shor’s occupation?

War strategist

Favorite color - What is Caspian Shor’s favorite color?

Forest Green

Favorite food - What is Caspian Shor’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Caspian Shor’s favorite possession?

The map his father gave him

Favorite weapon - What is Caspian Shor’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite animal - What is Caspian Shor’s favorite animal?

Any type of aquatic animal



date_range History
Birthday - When is Caspian Shor’s birthday?

First day of the first spring month

Education - What is Caspian Shor’s level of education?


Background - What is Caspian Shor’s background?

He was born in Vethea, into a wealthy family who could afford a good education. His father was sickly and died when he was young, but not before he was able to teach Caspian how to sail and how to read maps. He gifted Caspian a map of the world while he was on his death bed, and died when Caspian was eleven. This was during the time slavery began to become more popular. When Caspian was thirteen, his home was raided and he and his three brothers were taken by Ecran soldiers and hauled onto a boat. His brothers died on the trip to Endora, but Caspian survived. When they arrived in Endora, Caspian made a run for it and hid in the forest for days as the soldiers looked for him. He made his way to Isaedia, and lived in poverty on the streets, taking odd jobs. He met an older man, who he opened up to. The man told Caspian of a rebellion and pointed Caspian in Verena's direction. The two met, and Caspian quickly became apart of the growing rebellion and was the first member of Verena's team of Elite.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Songs that fit them

Black Flies: Ben Howard

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