info Overview
Name - What is Dimitri Apex’s full name?

Dimitri Apex

Role - What is Dimitri Apex’s role in your story?

Rebel Leader

Gender - What is Dimitri Apex’s gender?


Age - How old is Dimitri Apex?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Dimitri Apex weigh?


Height - How tall is Dimitri Apex?


Hair Color - What color is Dimitri Apex’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Dimitri Apex style their hair?

Longer, curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dimitri Apex have?


Eye Color - What is Dimitri Apex’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

Race - What is Dimitri Apex’s race?


Skin Tone

tanned brown

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Dimitri Apex have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dimitri Apex have?

almost always on his feet, he'll tap his fingers on the table when impatient, paces when nervous or anxious, walks with a slight limp, talks with a faint accent, slouch, can't stand still when mad

Motivations - What motivates Dimitri Apex most?

Justice, pride

Flaws - What flaws does Dimitri Apex have?

controlling and aggressive, doesn't know how to properly show affection, views everyone outside of his inner circle as an enemy

Talents - What talents does Dimitri Apex have?

good with weapons, good at making deals and getting what he wants.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dimitri Apex have?

pit fighting

Personality type - What personality type is Dimitri Apex?


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Dimitri Apex practice?


Politics - What politics does Dimitri Apex have?


Occupation - What is Dimitri Apex’s occupation?

Rebel leader

Favorite color - What is Dimitri Apex’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Dimitri Apex’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Dimitri Apex’s favorite possession?

family ring

Favorite weapon - What is Dimitri Apex’s favorite weapon?

Bastard sword

Favorite animal - What is Dimitri Apex’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Dimitri Apex have?

rebel leader

date_range History
Birthday - When is Dimitri Apex’s birthday?

The twentieth day of the third spring month

Education - What is Dimitri Apex’s level of education?


Background - What is Dimitri Apex’s background?

Dimitri was born into a loyalist family, his older brother had pledged his allegiance to Adeline and was sworn into her army when he was sixteen. His father was a retired warrior of Adeline's army, and his mother was a sweet woman who had no opinions of her own, she only wanted to survive. Dimitri was taught all his father's methods of stealth and killing from a young age and became rather good. He took up more of the stealthier methods of killing than others. When he was fourteen, his father sent him into the mountains where he was to find a native and kill them. This would signify his becoming a man. Dimitri went, he had a time of two weeks to make it back until Dimitri's father would send his brother after him. Dimitri did not know his brother well, as he was much older than Dimitri, and did not know much of Adeline or her policies. He went into the mountains and accidentally stumbled into a Spirit Tribe. They questioned him a bit, asking if he was a soldier for Adeline, and Dimitri said he wasn't. The tribe welcomed him kindly, and a week of living there, he came to befriend the tribe. They showed him their powers of the air, water, and earth. They preached to him of the spirits that inhabited the earth, taught him about their heritage. His task lived in the back of his mind, but it became more apparent through his time there, he could not kill them. They told him stories of Adeline, and what she had done to their people, and others like the Fae, Seldra, and the Witches, and Dimitri decided he wanted no part in her atrocities. He knew he would have to leave eventually, but he foolishly ingored his deadline. A month had passed, and Dimitri thought possibly his brother had gotten eaten by a wolf somewhere along the way, but a month and a day later, his brother showed. He raged at Dimitri for failing the task, beat him until he was bloody and couldn't see. Then proceeded to kill every native spirit he could while the others fled. Dimitri was entirely broken, and angry. He used that anger to fuel him. He took out a dagger he had hidden, and when his brother wasn't looking, slit his throat. He returned home, where his father scorned him, spat on him, and kicked him out of their home. Dimitri left gladly, only regretting leaving his mother behind. He was living in back allies for weeks, his ribs still needing time to recover from the beating he had received. He met a young girl, Piper Cantrell, and she began to follow him around. He took on the role of big brother eventually, but at first, he wanted nothing to do with her. She had been eight at the time and hadn't known any better. He eventually began stealing, starting small, bread, apples, cheese, vegetables from market stands, just to survive. But the adrenaline he got each time became almost an addiction, and he began stealing more and more unnecessary things. He was eventually discovered by one of the seven major crime lords, Lucien, scouts, and brought back to the crime lords manor. Lucien took a liking in Dimitri and began to train him. He and Piper lived at the manor. Dimitri would be sent out on missions as a thief, and he became one of the best thieves in Isadiea. The death of the native tribe and his brother had broken him in a way that couldn't be fixed. He had become cold and untrusting, and vowed he would take down the Winterbourne Empire. When a young woman named Verena came searching for people to add to her team of rebels, Faran recommended Dimitri. Verena paid of his dues to Farran, and Dimitri and Piper left with her, where he began working for the rebellion.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Songs that fit them

Used to the Darkness: Des Rocs
Na Na Na: My Chemical Romance
The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty: Panic! At The Disco

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