info Overview
Name - What is William Decesare’s full name?

William Decesare

Role - What is William Decesare’s role in your story?

Rebel ally

Other names - What other aliases does William Decesare go by?


Gender - What is William Decesare’s gender?


Age - How old is William Decesare?


face Looks
Weight - How much does William Decesare weigh?


Height - How tall is William Decesare?


Hair Color - What color is William Decesare’s hair?

dark blond

Hair Style - How does William Decesare style their hair?

Short, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does William Decesare have?


Eye Color - What is William Decesare’s eye color?

Cloudy grey

Race - What is William Decesare’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

heavily muscled disguised beneath a lean frame.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does William Decesare have?

Scars around his wrists from shackles, three long, deep scars down the right side of his neck from nails of a witch.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does William Decesare have?

blinks rapidly when surprised, chews fingernails when anxious, will talk loudly over others if he has a point he feels needs to be made immediately, takes deep breaths between each sentence, relies heavily on buffer words.

Motivations - What motivates William Decesare most?

He wants to help create a better world and wants to be apart of something bigger, which was why he was so drawn to Kenna and her power. Wants to make a safe space for the people he loves most.

Flaws - What flaws does William Decesare have?

He can be overly protective to the point it's exhausting for others, he can be a little dumb at times, tendency to be overly emotional.

Prejudices - What prejudices does William Decesare have?

Growing up, Will and his family lived near a with Coven known for the brutality towards foreigners. On a trip through the woods, Will and his sister ran into an older with who accused them of trespassing, her and Will got into a fight as Eira ran home. The witch gave Will three deep scratches from her iron nails. He almost bled out on his way home. He has had a distrust of witches since.

Talents - What talents does William Decesare have?

Very good with defense and swords. He's a soldier through and through.

Hobbies - What hobbies does William Decesare have?

anything that involves spending time with Caspian.

Personality type - What personality type is William Decesare?

He's protective and unsteady. He relies on others to steady himself, though he would never admit it. Tends to over-exaggerate with emotions. He's very outgoing and has no problem making new friends.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does William Decesare practice?


Politics - What politics does William Decesare have?

All he wants is for a fair and just ruler, which is why he swore himself to Kenna.

Occupation - What is William Decesare’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is William Decesare’s favorite color?

sky blue

Favorite food - What is William Decesare’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is William Decesare’s favorite possession?

His family ring that his father gave him before he died.

Favorite weapon - What is William Decesare’s favorite weapon?

Bastard sword

Favorite animal - What is William Decesare’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is William Decesare’s birthday?

The second day of the third summer month.

Education - What is William Decesare’s level of education?


Background - What is William Decesare’s background?

Will was born in Ecra in a small town near the sea. He was the firstborn son. His mother was both a Fae and a teacher, and his father was a fisherman. His sister, Eira, was born two years later. Will didn't know until he was older, but Eira was a full-blooded Fae. His mother had had an affair with another male. His father had left them after Eira was born and her mother had no choice to confess that she was not her husband's child. Will and his sister got along well, Eira always had a hard time making friends. Being a Fae in Ecra was terrifying, so Will's mother did not let Eira go out often. Instead of attending school with Will, she stayed home. So Will and she became close as Eira had no other friends. Will never feared her power. They would go on adventures together despite his mother's warnings. One day, when Will was eight and Eira was six, they ventured into the forest that was not too far from their home. They ran into a witch separated from her coven, a coven that did not welcome strangers happily. The witch attacked Will, and at eight years old he could barely fend for himself. Eira did not know how to control her magic well as in Ecra they did not have the resources to train her, and her mother was a Fae born without magic did not know how to train her daughter. Eira's magic would come out in bursts when she got frightened. It came out while Will was being attacked. Eira managed to knock the witch off Will but not before she had sunk her nails deep into his flesh and created three long scratches down his neck. Eira helped him home quickly, he nearly bled out on the way there. His mother had to call in a healer. A woman blessed with the power of healing came to him as Will lay on his deathbed. He nearly died but was saved by some miracle. The gods had deemed he had duties to fulfill on Onia still, so they kept him there. Life went on normally after that, yet they steered clear of the woods. When Will was nine, his mother had been sleeping for far too long. He went to check on her, but she laid still. Will frantically checked for a heartbeat, a pulse, but found nothing. She was freezing, and a thin frost coated her body. Will immediately knew that Eira had killed her, frozen her from the inside. Will had screamed at her for hours and hours. In a panic, he contacted his father, the only other person who knew of Eira and her power. His father knew of a place in Estien where other Fae children could go to be taught. It was run by harsh teachers, but it was better than nothing. Will's father had come back to the house and helped prepare things for his mother's burial. Eira got to attend before they sent her off, a month after the incident. Will felt guilty for it ever since her ship left the docks, he hated himself for it. His father took Will with him to live with his new family. Will hated it there. When he was fifteen he enlisted in the Ecran military. He was gifted with strength and weaponry, and when he was called for an inspection, Adeline decided he would take part in the Royal Guard, working under Dairo, a harsh but beloved man. Dairo was everything Will aspired to be. He had great respect for the man. Dairo took to Will and became him, mentor. He taught Will everything he knew and Will took it all in stride. He became Dairo's second in command. Then he met Karan and Caspian. Caspian was a year younger than Will, but the two had an instant click. Caspian became Will's brother in every way but blood, and Will would do anything to protect him. They were twinned souls. A platonic soul mate, Verena had said. Caspian had told him of what really happened in Adeline's kingdom, what he was fighting for. It took Will a lot of thinking, but he joined the Rebels, for Caspian at first, and later because the need to be apart of something bigger seemed to tug at him. When Kenna showed up, he felt some kind of invisible string pulling him to her, to something inside of her. He felt nothing romantic towards her, and though she seemed merely an assassin for both Adeline and Verena, something in him whispered that there was more to her. Kenna was the reason he fully committed to the Rebels. She was everything he wanted to fight for, and though she never knew it, she had is unwavering loyalty, just as Caspian had. Over time he grew more involved with the causes and soon his outlook changed from doing this for one person but for doing this because he believed in the cause he was fighting for.

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Songs that fit them

Kings and Queens and Vagabonds: Ellem

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