info Overview
Name - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s full name?

Nakoa Sunniva

Role - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s role in your story?

Soldier of the royal guard, Rebellion leader, King of Sansora.

Other names - What other aliases does Nakoa Sunniva go by?


Gender - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s gender?


Age - How old is Nakoa Sunniva?


Name Meaning

Brave, Warrior.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Nakoa Sunniva weigh?


Height - How tall is Nakoa Sunniva?


Hair Color - What color is Nakoa Sunniva’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Nakoa Sunniva style their hair?

Longer, curly.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nakoa Sunniva have?


Eye Color - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s eye color?

Deep brown

Race - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s race?


Skin Tone

Tanned brown

Body Type

slim shouldered, muscled calves and arms, lean.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nakoa Sunniva have?

Fae ears, scars from whippings on his back, shackle scars on his wrists. r

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nakoa Sunniva have?

Speaks in a whisper when angry, tends to cough when nervous, rubs his neck when he's embarrassed, flares his nostrils, clenches his jaw unconsciously, almost always tensed up, walks with a sense of purpose but without the arrogance, keeps prolonged eye contact while in conversation to create a sense of trust, pinches the bridge of his nose, stands with hands clasped behind his back, perfect posture, tense body, tight drawn-in shoulders when standing, walks quickly.

Motivations - What motivates Nakoa Sunniva most?

He wants to avenge his parent's death and other children of magic who have died at the hands of the Winterbourne Empire, he wants to stay by Kenna's side and help build a better world beside her.

Flaws - What flaws does Nakoa Sunniva have?

Blunt, can be indifferent (changes in character arc), rigorous, solemn, withdrawn, perfectionist, overprotective, impatient.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nakoa Sunniva have?

Distrust of witches and fae.

Talents - What talents does Nakoa Sunniva have?

Good soldier, good with weapons, he can paint and play the piano.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nakoa Sunniva have?

He enjoys listening to music or painting. when he finds time.

Personality type - What personality type is Nakoa Sunniva?

Withdrawn, cool, collected. Smart and can think quickly on his feet, perform well under pressure, keeps his composure. He does not open up easily, constantly pushing others to be better.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Nakoa Sunniva practice?

Believes in gods and goddesses.

Politics - What politics does Nakoa Sunniva have?

Believes in a constitutional monarchy.

Occupation - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s occupation?

Soldier, rebel leader, ambassador, and military Capitan of Sansora.

Favorite color - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s favorite food?

Potato soup

Favorite possession - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s favorite possession?

Family ring

Favorite weapon - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s favorite animal?




date_range History
Birthday - When is Nakoa Sunniva’s birthday?

Seventh-day of the second spring month

Education - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s level of education?


Background - What is Nakoa Sunniva’s background?

Nakoa was born in Tabia in the royal palace, his mother was a lady-in-waiting to the queen. He grew up alongside princess Zyanya, the two were close. She was to be heir to the throne, and Nakoa was to be at her right hand. Many expected the two to wed, but Nakoa never felt that way about Zyanya, and neither did she for him. The two would venture Tabia, exploring new territories every day. It was one of these days when they were wandering through the forest, Nakoa showing off his raw magic, that Nakoa accidentally led the Winterbourne soldiers right to him and Zyanya. It was a surprise attack, an attempt made by Adeline to seize the Tytrian Kingdom. Nakoa saw them first, with his Seldra sight, and screamed at Zyanya to run to get help. She did, and Nakoa, at ten-years-old, stood to fight. He was no match for the soldiers, and despite his training with magic, he had not fully grown into his powers. He was captured and taken as a war prisoner, thrown in shackles and into the back of a wagon where other children and adults were chained. Those in the wagon knew Nakoa, and seeing him there broke their spirits. But the extra time Nakoa had bought Zyanya to run and get help, had made it so Tabia was able to win the battle. Despite Adeline's loss, Nakoa and the other prisoners were already hauled over to Isaedia. Nakoa had heard Zyanya had used her power against the soldiers, and that his mother and father had been killed on the front lines. Nakoa was enslaved to Adeline. She did not know who he was, and thankfully, he managed not to show any hint of his power. But Adeline saw he was a good warrior, and started his training with her army. As he got older, he began to move up through the ranks, until he was at the top and Adeline's most trusted soldier. He hated her, and through his years of living there continued to try to find a way to take her down. He knew something was off about her, and those who came to visit. There was some kind of power to them that he couldn't place. He met Verena a few times, but he never knew of her rebellion.

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edit Notes
Songs that fit them

Crossfire: Stephen

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