info Overview
Name - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s full name?

Joash Czar Amaris

Role - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s role in your story?

Ex King of Sansora

Gender - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s gender?


Age - How old is Joash Czar Amaris?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Joash Czar Amaris weigh?


Height - How tall is Joash Czar Amaris?


Hair Color - What color is Joash Czar Amaris’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Joash Czar Amaris style their hair?

Short, curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Joash Czar Amaris have?


Eye Color - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s eye color?

Baby blue

Race - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Joash Czar Amaris have?

glasses, his hair

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Joash Czar Amaris have?

gives constant direct eye contact, taps foot when nervous, level-headed, often reading or lost in his thoughts, withdrawn and quiet.

Motivations - What motivates Joash Czar Amaris most?


Flaws - What flaws does Joash Czar Amaris have?

Too quiet, often lets people walk over him, strays from big decisions, lets others choose for him, keeps his opinion to himself in times when it's needed.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Joash Czar Amaris have?

Distrust of witches

Talents - What talents does Joash Czar Amaris have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Joash Czar Amaris have?


Personality type - What personality type is Joash Czar Amaris?

quiet, humble, withdrawn

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Joash Czar Amaris practice?


Politics - What politics does Joash Czar Amaris have?


Occupation - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s favorite food?

Deer meat

Favorite possession - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s favorite possession?

his families sword

Favorite weapon - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Joash Czar Amaris’s birthday?

fifth day of the third summer month

Education - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s level of education?


Background - What is Joash Czar Amaris’s background?

He was always the lesser of his brothers, who all excelled in brute strength. Though Joash was gifted with a sword, he preferred to be reading or writing or studying. Because of this, his father was constantly comparing him to his brothers, which caused him to have terribly low self-esteem and become withdrawn. He hid in his study constantly, but when a proposal of marriage into the Sansora kingdom, Joash jumped at the chance to leave his kingdom. Saskia came during the first month of winter, and though her advisors wanted her to pick Joash's eldest brother, Saskia was nineteen at the time and decided she wanted to pick for herself. She found Joash in his study and the two of them instantly connected, though they were polar opposites. Saskia was there for 3 days until she made her decision and asked Joash if he'd agree to the marriage. He accepted and a week later he was with his queen in Sansora. Though he genuinely loved Saskia, for a while it seemed she loved him back, but after they had Ares, she became distant and cold again, the stress of her entire life weighing on her back. Joash never stopped loving her. When she would send Ares off, he would go visit him once a month. He knew this was the reason Ares never caved to the wickedness that grew in him. The fact that his father still checked on him kept him from caving. Saskia thought she was doing the right thing for him, by giving him something else to do to keep busy, but she was doing the opposite. But because Joash was who he was, he never spoke up about what he thought. He loved all his children dearly and was the soothing to their mother's harshness. When word came Adeline was trying to open up a rift, Joash knew he needed to say something. He sailed to Ecra with a small army to try and meet with Adeline. She would not have him, but he met with Verena, her sister. Verena told him about the rebellion she was growing against her sister and the need for powerful people. Joash knew his generation would not be the one to stop Adeline and her rift, but Kenna's. He could see it at that moment, Kenna was their promised savior, the one to keep the Amaris bloodline from damnation. To keep the world from eternal darkness. That pit of fire in her- she would be the one to change the entire world. So Joash told Verena of his hidden daughter, and in exchange, Verena orchestrated Saskia and Joash's assassination, the one thing that could get Kenna to step into her birthright, the one the world was promised. So in two weeks' time, Joash kept the assassination a secret from everyone, and he was not afraid when the time came. He told all his children he loved them that night for the last time, and died at peace, knowing Kenna would be the light.

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edit Notes
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