info Overview
Name - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s full name?

Saskia Czar Amaris

Role - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s role in your story?

Mother, Old Queen of Sansora

Other names - What other aliases does Saskia Czar Amaris go by?


Gender - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s gender?


Age - How old is Saskia Czar Amaris?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Saskia Czar Amaris weigh?

130 lbs

Height - How tall is Saskia Czar Amaris?


Hair Color - What color is Saskia Czar Amaris’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Saskia Czar Amaris style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Saskia Czar Amaris have?


Eye Color - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Saskia Czar Amaris have?

her eyes, scars, her crown

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Saskia Czar Amaris have?

Often stood with her arms crossed, chewed nails when she got nervous, stoned faced when planning or thinking she would tilt her head slightly or constantly shift her eyes.

Motivations - What motivates Saskia Czar Amaris most?

Love, pride, justice.

Flaws - What flaws does Saskia Czar Amaris have?

because of what she endured, she was hard and tough on her kids, though she loved them very much. She had a bad temper and would blow up at little things, she was constantly anxious and rarely left her children out of her sight.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Saskia Czar Amaris have?

distrust of witches, and Ecra

Talents - What talents does Saskia Czar Amaris have?

Swords, though she was full fae, she was born with no power. Magic can sometimes skip a generation.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Saskia Czar Amaris have?


Personality type - What personality type is Saskia Czar Amaris?

Tough love, cold and distant, but good.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Saskia Czar Amaris practice?


Politics - What politics does Saskia Czar Amaris have?


Occupation - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s favorite food?

Anything sweet

Favorite possession - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s favorite possession?

Her family necklace

Favorite weapon - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Saskia Czar Amaris’s birthday?

15th day of the second fall month

Education - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s level of education?


Background - What is Saskia Czar Amaris’s background?

Her mother was the darkness of her cursed bloodline. When Saskia was born, it was obvious she was to be the light of the bloodline. A savior, some called her, and others damnation, a disgrace to the fae. To be born without power was considered a terrible burden, a weakness. Despite her mother's wickedness, Saskia loved her but swore to never be like her. When Saskia turned seventeen, her mother tried to open a rift into other dimensions, specifically what people called the Dark World, as there was no other way-no official way to call the world of domination. Her mother wanted to summon an army of Dark World creatures to overtake the world. The plan hadn't been talked about with anyone other than Saskia's father, who disagreed with her mother. But she wouldn't hear her father's reasoning. She wanted the world for her own and intended to take it. Saskia knew no other way to stop her mother from bringing damnation to them all then to kill her. So she did. That night she murdered her own mother. Her father, torn with grief but out of love for his only child, let Saskia live. But he abdicated from the throne, the price Saskia was to pay for her mother's death was to rule Sansora herself at seventeen. It happened quick, and at seventeen she became the Queen of Sansora. Ecra was becoming a bigger threat by the day, and with little armies and no idea what to do, Saskia's advisor, Gavin, suggested she marry the Prince of New Oria, Joash, for money and armies. So she did, and Joash moved to her kingdom in Sansora. They built up a strong army and had their first child, Ares. When Ares was three, Saskia could tell he had inherited her mother's wickedness. In fear of what he might do, they constantly sent him different places to keep his attention on other, better, things. Because of this, Ares grew to hate Saskia, and though his wickedness was terrifying Saskia couldn't help but love him. She told herself she was doing this for his own good, doing what nobody ever did for her mother. Then they had their second child together, Kenna, the light of the family. Saskia wasn't sure if she'd have a power, and because of that they kept her hidden. With the threat of Ecra, they could see a daughter without power as a weakness and exploit it. But by the time Kenna turned two, Saskia realized she had the exact opposite problem to worry about. Kenna had too much power. Kenna, the princess of fire, was a secret no one but Saskia's most trusted court members knew of. The public had no clue. Then they had their third child, Angel, and two days after his birth, that was when Saskia got word of Adeline's plans. The same as her mothers. Saskia's mother had been working with Adeline to open a rift, and Adeline was close to finding a way to do it. Saskia wrote to her that opening a rift to the Dark World would be an act of war, and Adeline responded with a simple 'prepare your armies.' They were at war for two years, until one night, Saskia and her husband Joash were murdered by one of Adeline's assassins in their sleep.

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edit Notes
Songs that fit them

When It's All Over: RAIGN

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