forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@The-Magician group

I am now regretting not continuing with my coding classes.. all I want is to get this game off a piece of paper and actually make it but NO, this dumb boi decided that sticking to the design and writing of it was more important than actually developing it.. I’m such an idiot

@Acetylcholine terrain

Alright well, there's this guy. He's been flirting with me for the past two weeks and is generally a sweet and open person. We've talked and hung out somewhat, and he's a really nice and friendly guy, and maybe if we keep hanging out, I may catch feelings for him.
Today I learned that he is 30, turning 31 in two months.

I'm 18, turning 19 later this year.

I uh… don't know what to do.

@saor_illust school

well… this is an interesting situation…

you know said guy in real life, correct?
if so, if you feel like hanging out with said guy, do so if you wish, but exercise caution.
and if you don't feel like hanging out with this guy, then don't. you have a right.

i'm sorry i'm not great at giving advice but this is the best i have rn

@Moxie group

Alright well, there's this guy. He's been flirting with me for the past two weeks and is generally a sweet and open person. We've talked and hung out somewhat, and he's a really nice and friendly guy, and maybe if we keep hanging out, I may catch feelings for him.
Today I learned that he is 30, turning 31 in two months.

I'm 18, turning 19 later this year.

I uh… don't know what to do.

My advice would be a big nope.
That is … a large age difference.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Alright well, there's this guy. He's been flirting with me for the past two weeks and is generally a sweet and open person. We've talked and hung out somewhat, and he's a really nice and friendly guy, and maybe if we keep hanging out, I may catch feelings for him.
Today I learned that he is 30, turning 31 in two months.

I'm 18, turning 19 later this year.

I uh… don't know what to do.

Um. Gtfo. I'm more cool with age differences than most. But more than ten years? While you're under 25? Like Moxie said, big big nope.

@Acetylcholine terrain

It's alright, thank you for giving your best to help me out.

Yes, I do know him in real life.
I do like hanging out with him, his banter is witty and he doesn't make me feel bad or ashamed about myself or my interests. He doesn't even shame me for not flirting back and having low emotional reactions. And more importantly, he asked for my consent before just giving me a hug.

And clearing something up from my last post, he just learned about my age today as well. I admit, I look older than I am, and he certainly looks younger than 30.

The age gap does make me nervous. About what specifically, I'm unsure but definitely nervous, to say the least. Additionally, upon our first introduction, he reminded me of a familiar face of which I'd rather forget, but they are most certainly NOT the same by any stretch.

I don't know what route I should take to continue in this relationship, whatever it may be.

@Pickles group

I would tell him you aren't comfortable with him flirting with you (although if he still flirts with you knowing your age.. uh uh), and if there's anything else you're uncomfortable with, tell him. And if he doesn't respect that, leave him in the dust because that's real creepy

@Acetylcholine terrain

Usually in this circumstance, I would do as you suggested and avoid that person like the plague. But considering his personality, I think that might be quite rude and really uncalled for. I could try to set boundaries with him (we did swap numbers before the age reveal) and explain how the whole flirting deal is a bit much and unneeded for a friendship?

@Acetylcholine terrain

This really depends on how he reacts to your age. If he pulls back, then he's a good dude. If he doesn't, he might be a creeper.

Well, he's the one who brought up the conversation in the first place to check that he "wasn't being pedophilic" (his words). His face was surprised. I'm sure internally he was thrown for a loop, as he shortly left afterward.

@Acetylcholine terrain

I would tell him you aren't comfortable with him flirting with you (although if he still flirts with you knowing your age.. uh uh), and if there's anything else you're uncomfortable with, tell him. And if he doesn't respect that, leave him in the dust because that's real creepy

Will do.

@Pickles group

This really depends on how he reacts to your age. If he pulls back, then he's a good dude. If he doesn't, he might be a creeper.

Well, he's the one who brought up the conversation in the first place to check that he "wasn't being pedophilic" (his words). His face was surprised. I'm sure internally he was thrown for a loop, as he shortly left afterward.

Less creepy, that's a good sign. Is your name an ace and chemistry pun??

@Acetylcholine terrain

This really depends on how he reacts to your age. If he pulls back, then he's a good dude. If he doesn't, he might be a creeper.

Well, he's the one who brought up the conversation in the first place to check that he "wasn't being pedophilic" (his words). His face was surprised. I'm sure internally he was thrown for a loop, as he shortly left afterward.

Less creepy, that's a good sign. Is your name an ace and chemistry pun??

Indeed. Perhaps… My nickname is Ty, so you were close. I learned about the chemical in Psych and I couldn't resist making it my username.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This really depends on how he reacts to your age. If he pulls back, then he's a good dude. If he doesn't, he might be a creeper.

Well, he's the one who brought up the conversation in the first place to check that he "wasn't being pedophilic" (his words). His face was surprised. I'm sure internally he was thrown for a loop, as he shortly left afterward.

Then he's probably a decent dude.