forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Y'all are just so great. You have no idea, I get on here when I have a sucky day (every day) and I feel so much better.

also the end of the book changed my mind, Frankenstein is not as bad as I thought.


I feel really bad for not saying anything. I'm sorry, Ella.

no no don’t feel bad it’s ok you’ve done nothing wrong please don’t be sad fren I love you

Deleted user

i live

Good. I don't know what I would do without you.

Deleted user

I caught a cold that’s killing my throat. My voice sounds even more stupid then normal. At least I’m not having an anxiety attack anymore.


Is there something specific that's wrong?
Or just general sucky-ness?

It was mostly just a general sucky-ness, but the main things running through my head were my lack of skills, all the times I’ve lied to you guys, and a few other things I’d rather not mention yet

Deleted user

At least I don’t have the flu again. The flu was absolutely horrible to deal with. I couldn’t even do anything except sleep, at least when I have a cold I can go get that education and stuff.


I'm tired and sick but knowing that I have a roleplay that's been going on since last July or something that now has 275 pages makes me feel a bit better

@HighPockets group

Is there something specific that's wrong?
Or just general sucky-ness?

It was mostly just a general sucky-ness, but the main things running through my head were my lack of skills, all the times I’ve lied to you guys, and a few other things I’d rather not mention yet

Dude, I so feel the lack of skills right now, my friends and I are trying to make a ton of money to set up an independent Destination Imagination organization (the school wouldn't back us so we have to do it ourselves), and I'm having a huge struggle finding any marketable skills that I've got.
Although if all goes well, I'll get to go to Kansas City next year and that's pretty cool!

Deleted user

I have to do lines when my throat is dying. Yay. I shouldn’t be yelling at all.

@HighPockets group

Kansas City is great
…Its not actually, it’s a nightmare
But it’s near me so therefore it’s great

If we make it, I'll have to send you our performance time, it'd be cool to meet someone from here in real life lol


good morning/afternoon folks, I ended up finishing literally all of my work (except for a geometry project that I don't feel like doing) and we're doing pretty much nothing all day cuz SAT testing and I am very very bored. I also have way too much awake-ness for having been up since 3am last night (I slept for like 4 hours so) and I kinda wanna nap but it's almost lunch, I think. SpEaKING OF LUNCH, I got rubber bands for my braces and they hurt a lot :((
also I'm kinda rambling because I am bo r e d and also I have general Not Good feelings for the past few days and it's just ://

ooh! i get cake tomorrow!! my brother's birthday and the other's birthday is Saturday which means m o r e c a k e which is generally the Thing getting me through this week if they eat the cake before i get home I wi l l c r y

Deleted user

hey everyone my birthday is tomorrow. clarinet noises