forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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don’t bother
it’s not going to change much…
if you want to help, then please just forget everything i’ve ever said-
all the sadness, all the joy, all the sheer stupidity, every little detail

cause even if i fail and have to live another day, i at least want to start over
i don’t want to be this person anymore

@HighPockets group

Ella. Listen to me. You are a good person. You are more than you flaws. You are more than your mistakes. You deserve to be alive. You deserve to take up space. You are worth it. Please call some sort of hotline, I don't want to lose you.

@HighPockets group

Suicide is not the only way to start over. You can be a new person without dying. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, as cliche as that sounds, and it will get better. Si fortuna me tormenta, sperato me contente, as they say, and while it might not get better today or tomorrow or this month or even this year, it will.


i can’t call anyone. it’s getting late, my siblings need to sleep. i can barely speak anyway.

and how do we know things are going to get better? what could possibly go right?

@HighPockets group

Because if I don't believe that things will get better, then I have no hope left. I've been there before, and I refuse to be there again. Change is slow, mental health is slow, but it has to improve. It might get a little worse before it gets better, but it will get better someday. The world is full of potential for things to improve. Hope can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.
I'm sure there's a website or a texting hotline. You are worth saving.


…what do i do?
i’ve tried everything i can-
i want to fix things, i want to have some sort of hope, but i can’t seem to find it anywhere
it’s been nearly a year, i can’t keep this up anymore

please help me-

i don’t want to die, i know i don’t, but i can’t find any other way-

@Moxie group


If you haven't heard of this before, your cells regenerate, so in seven years you're not gonna be the same person you are tonight
Idk that fact helps me a lot


It’s getting late, i need to get some sleep…
i’ll respond in the morning, and if i still feel like this i’ll find a hotline i can text

thank you all so much…
no amount of words could express how grateful i am to have you beans
you mean the whole world to me and i really hope you know that-

goodnight <3


My mother has a saying "Everything is better in the morning." I've come to realize that she's right in more way's then one. Literally, you always feel better after sleeping even if the problem is still there you mind can physically handle problems better. metaphorically every night ends with sunrise. Right now it's night time Ella but every night ends with Sunrise. Listen to "May it be" from LOTR, very inspiring very true much goodness. I care about you Ella,.