forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


i know it’ll be worth it in the end or whatever but right now i really regret not doing something last night, even if it didn’t kill me i at least wouldn’t have to be here-

@Anemone eco

As long as you know it will be worth it. I'm glad you didn't do anything last night, Ella. I cherish you too much, my heart wouldn't be able to take it.

@HighPockets group

As long as you know it will be worth it. I'm glad you didn't do anything last night, Ella. I cherish you too much, my heart wouldn't be able to take it.


@saor_illust school

As long as you know it will be worth it. I'm glad you didn't do anything last night, Ella. I cherish you too much, my heart wouldn't be able to take it.

glad you're still here el <3

Deleted user

Guess who almost got kicked out of the house yesterday?? That's right, this bitch. Now I don't have my phone and my mom monitors discord from my phone. All because I told a friend I didn't really feel safe with my mother.

@Pickles group

Just a thought but maybe if your child doesn't feel safe with you, you should talk to them about it instead of grounding them and monitoring what they do

Deleted user

Yep, and I told my friend about my plan to run away just because I didn't feel safe and my mom was, after everyone calmed down, just being really, i don't know, petty about it like "I waited till I was forty to have a kid, and onw I do, a kid who doens't want to be my kid."

Deleted user

I'm going to try to. I have my therapist today and I'm going to talk to her.
I love my dad and don't want to be separated from him, but if I go into cps, I will.