forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Did I just realize my mother is abusive? After my friends told me after I told them what she does to me? Maybe.
Am I venting on a writing site because my mother took away all my sources of contact so I can't even call a helpline? Maybe.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator


@Anemone eco

Did I just realize my mother is abusive? After my friends told me after I told them what she does to me? Maybe.
Am I venting on a writing site because my mother took away all my sources of contact so I can't even call a helpline? Maybe.

That sucks so much, Reed. Can one of your friends call a helpline for you?

Deleted user

Did I just realize my mother is abusive? After my friends told me after I told them what she does to me? Maybe.
Am I venting on a writing site because my mother took away all my sources of contact so I can't even call a helpline? Maybe.

That sucks so much, Reed. Can one of your friends call a helpline for you?

Not really, the friends I were talking to were over discord and my mom took my phone and is looking through my conversations so if I went to ask for help, she'd know, then get even angrier.


Did I just realize my mother is abusive? After my friends told me after I told them what she does to me? Maybe.
Am I venting on a writing site because my mother took away all my sources of contact so I can't even call a helpline? Maybe.


Deleted user

(How are you on here Reed? Maybe you can email someone?

My school laptop. I'm in class right now.
My dad comes home today and should hopefully calm her down.
I have therapy so maybe I can ask my therapist if I'm just overreacting.


I'm sorry I can't help you, I have no idea what to do and the last time I tried to offer suggestions to someone I was kicked out of my lunch table never to return again so

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

If you need to talk to your friends on a school computer and not get monitored by staff, share a google doc with said friend and y'all can say whatever you want and you can work on it at the same time
My friends and I all use different colors to make it seem like it's fun


and nO, you are NoT overreacting, your emotions are valid and clearly something regarding your relationship with your mother is a bit wonky. I don't mean that offensively-

Deleted user

I learned this video isn’t restricted on my iPad. This kid looks like my brother lmao. Best birthday gift ever, besides the love I get <3

@Pickles group

If you need to talk to your friends on a school computer and not get monitored by staff, share a google doc with said friend and y'all can say whatever you want and you can work on it at the same time
My friends and I all use different colors to make it seem like it's fun

Most schools know your username and password, not to mention that it's a school computer, so you can only use your school account which they can monitor without knowing your password but sure

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

If you need to talk to your friends on a school computer and not get monitored by staff, share a google doc with said friend and y'all can say whatever you want and you can work on it at the same time
My friends and I all use different colors to make it seem like it's fun

Most schools know your username and password, not to mention that it's a school computer, so you can only use your school account which they can monitor without knowing your password but sure

They don't think to check the google docs. My school is super big on monitoring everything we do inside and out of school, but I've never been caught for a doc, going two years strong.

Deleted user

I'm just anxious.
I know my mom wouldn't like hit me or anything, but there's that voice in my head that thinks so.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I'm just anxious.
I know my mom wouldn't like hit me or anything, but there's that voice in my head that thinks so.

Bro, if you actually believe you have a reason to truly fer your mom, you need to talk to SOMEONE and get it dealt with. That is not okay. and i should take my own advice

@Pineapple_Princess eco

I have someone in my life that whenever they do anything for me (without me asking) they always say "Why am I doing this?" and the only response they accept is "Cuz you love me". I don't really know how to feel about it. On one hand it's them telling me that they love me so they do these things for me but on the other, I feel like they never want to do anything out of the kindness of their own heart?

Deleted user

Do you want me to beat them up? Or like, give them a stern talking to about kindness?

Throw life at them viciously and violently.