forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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My parents went to go visit and bring home my younger brother who was studying overseas. They left me and my other brother in charge and they left yesterday morning. I thought I could handle it all but apparently I cant and I'm so overwhelmed I dont know how feel except sad

My friends aren't being helpful and my other siblings are too young to help me, idk how to feel

I just need someone to talk to and distract me from everything


My parents went to go visit and bring home my younger brother who was studying overseas. They left me and my other brother in charge and they left yesterday morning. I thought I could handle it all but apparently I cant and I'm so overwhelmed I dont know how feel except sad

My friends aren't being helpful and my other siblings are too young to help me, idk how to feel

I just need someone to talk to and distract me from everything

Dm me if you want to talk, i’ll Try to respond but I’m in class so i might be a bit slow but I’ll try and help


uhmm.. I might be able to give advice?
What exactly are you having troubles handling? Just the pressure?

Yeah, the pressure of being the major responsible one and the fact that I go to university and had to deal with the stresses there and now this

I think I need a distraction but my friends are all too busy with their lives and I dont have any family here either, other than my siblings of course.

Deleted user

I've been dabbling in witchcraft recently
I've called myself a witch for years just for fun, because my aunt and I have a joke about it, and because my aesthetic is dark and magical.
I recently discovered my friend is a wiccan.
{Note: I started trying this stuff before I knew she was a wiccan.}
Today we were walking outside and it was raining. I got excited, because rainwater!!!!!!!
I mumbled how I was upset that I hadn't already set out a jar, but that I would do so when I got home.
She immediately says:
"You're not a wiccan."
I respond with, "um–"
Her: "So stop doing wiccan things. It's offensive."

audible inhale

First of all, I know she has some problems with thinking people are always copying her.
So I'm sure that was part of this too.
But like????

I've been writing books for as long as I can remember, and when she said "hey, I'm writing a book, just to see if I vibe with this writing thing," I was fine with it. Why? Because she has the right to experiment. So do I.

so why the f u c k

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

uhmm.. I might be able to give advice?
What exactly are you having troubles handling? Just the pressure?

Yeah, the pressure of being the major responsible one and the fact that I go to university and had to deal with the stresses there and now this

I think I need a distraction but my friends are all too busy with their lives and I dont have any family here either, other than my siblings of course.

OOf… I can offer a probably slowish roleplay as a distraction?


Blurry, I can kinda understand why your friend got so upset. She probably thinks that witch = wiccan, which isn't necessarily true. A witch can be of any faith, it is the craft that keeps everyone linked. Perhaps try to clear things up by clarifying "You're right, I'm not Wiccan, but I am a baby witch looking to make my own craft." Religion is kind of a touchy subject, and that's really the only reason I can imagine of why she got so heated.

Anyways, I hope things work out with her.

Deleted user

Me, sobbing while listening to Dr. Worm: Is this therapy? More helpfull then my actual one

@Acetylcholine terrain

Okay so mild update regarding the 30-year-old flirt:

We were texting about anime recommendations, and he made this slight compliment. I took it in stride (I'm feeling confident tonight) and he followed that up with a message saying "I was hoping that would make you turn red" with a bunch of hearts afterward. Red Alert. So, of course, this is when I decide to bring up the whole large age gap issue.

I'm starting it off by asking how he feels about it. Will update as the situation continues. Some guidance and support would be greatly appreciated.

@Acetylcholine terrain

Update: His response to my question was… odd.
"I have hardly put stock into age. And if I get along with someone well enough its just a number."

How am I even supposed to respond to this?

@Acetylcholine terrain

Don’t fucking respond to it that’s creepy as hell

I don't have that option. I know him in real life, we attend the same campus, and we somewhat know each other's schedules.

@GameMaster group

I also just gotta vent because I’m in a lot of pain and I’m incredibly stressed because I’ve been sick for weeks but the first time the doctor could see me was three weeks after my initial appointment. So basically I can’t eat without throwing up or serious stomach pain.

@GameMaster group

Don’t fucking respond to it that’s creepy as hell

I don't have that option. I know him in real life, we attend the same campus, and we somewhat know each other's schedules.

Then say the age gap bothers you. Dude has no right being this chummy with someone so much younger


So i may or may not have stayed up till 11 pressing flowers even though i still have a heck ton of other responsibilities that i have to complete before i can sleep and i have to wake up quite early tomorrow for a long art class thing
i have many regret

@Moxie group

Update: His response to my question was… odd.
"I have hardly put stock into age. And if I get along with someone well enough its just a number."

How am I even supposed to respond to this?

If someone says "age is just a number" that is a giant red flag. I would like put up boundaries or have a clear conversation in person with him about it. Cause like. Thats a little creepy.

@Moxie group

So i may or may not have stayed up till 11 pressing flowers even though i still have a heck ton of other responsibilities that i have to complete before i can sleep and i have to wake up quite early tomorrow for a long art class thing
i have many regret

Its only 9 but I still have a ton of work to do, so I feel you dude