forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

I'm sorry that your chat was shut down kiddo, here's an early Christmas gift of getting you a new one!

Deleted user

Sorry, I just felt bad about being part of the reason your chat got shut down.

Deleted user

Hello! Let’s hope this one doesn’t cascade into madness either lol.


Yes! I was looking to see if a new one was made, because I kinda was about to post a vent when I saw it was closed

So anyway, I’m not as tired as I was when I got home, and my headache is gone, so that’s good, but I’m gonna vent about everything anyway

So tomorrow we have reading torture fest, aka our Hobbit test, which I am NOT looking forward to AT ALL. It’s 8 pages, over 100 questions, and worth 300 points (that just seems a little overboard, even for her (our teacher))
We also have a science test tomorrow, so that’s two tests
On top of that we have to write this essay for religion that we barely got any time to do

So there was all that stress, plus I had had a headache since science, and I was so tired I was struggling to stay awake in study hall

In the car on the way home, I still had a headache and my dad put on the radio, but I didn’t want to say anything because he was say I was being rude
Then we got into an argument about the Percy Jackson movies (we literally argue about everything). He likes the movies and says they’re really similar to the books and I’m like ????? You haven’t even read the books?????? You don’t read????? How would you know?????

Also I have rehearsal for theatre tonight so that limits the time I have to write my essay and study for the million tests we have tomorrow (I know it’s only two but the reading test it just….so much….it’s like a million tests all on its own)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Damn, I'm so sorry

Having exams coming up, I know exactly how you feel

(No literally, me and my mother cannot have a conversation without her getting mad at me for something)

That last one…
Honestly same…

Deleted user

That’s an oof

So I was walking home, thought I was on my period, panicked, hushed home, my legs are covered in frostbite because I have crocs on, luckily I didn’t get my period.


(Well there was that essay for The Five People You Meet In Heaven last year. “Pick one of these quotes to relate to your own life! Make it as detailed and P E R S O N A L as possible!” I’m sorry, I don’t relate to any of those quotes? How am I supposed to write this? I ended up literally failing that essay becausE it was too general and not detailed or personal enough)


(why not ask some people in the Rudeness chat?)

That's both an amazing and absolutely terrible idea at the same time

Or some people you know wont hesitate to keep people in line but will also listen to you when you say enough?