forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Tip for people who forget everything (me):

Instead of writing a reminder in your notebook somewhere, grab a random object around the house and purposefully place it somewhere that will get in your way right when you need the reminder. You’ll ask yourself “Why is this here?”, move it, and then remember “oh yeah! I was supposed to bring the mayonnaise.”
Works every time

Do you do this at all?

Today I left an entire box of books right in front of my door to remind me that I’m supposed to bring the necklace
It worked
Although I’d highly recommend using a dvd case, small container, singular book, or really anything else because stubbing your toe on the sharp corner of a hard plastic box when you just woke up is not a pleasant experience

Good to know.

Deleted user

the highest I've gotten in this class before that is a 50%

@Pickles group

Dear people that think that playing with Barbie dolls makes you roleplay a sex goddess: I loved my Barbies with all my heart and I'm ace and not once have I ever thought of myself as anything close to a sex goddess?? What???