Part time abuser of the Oxford comma. Rumor has it I have an alternate personality of a kindly, wise, old Japanese man. In case anyone wonders, I'm male. I love arguing. I'm a strict Christian in theory but pretty tolerant too. Tolkien is the best worldbuilder ever so I hope you love him.
Shared holder of the title "excellent crackhead".
Talents: Worldbuilder, Debater, Knower of Christian history, speaks Chicken, can laugh in Mexican (and Arabic) quite well. Send newts.
Books, Broadway, swords, snorting commas because they are my drug of choice.
Fantasy! Urban, space, medieval, whatever you like!
Victor Hugo. #2 Tolkien
Les Miserables
"Dom is being drama." (Ily Eris.) “I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
Tolkien of course. But my beautiful characters walk around every day to inspire me. And Ursula LeGuin. She’s important.
Finally finished fleshing out my protag’s page.
Here she is. My complicated girl. Finally got her page finished.
Filled out my amazing leader enough to share her.
Boom. She's really fleshed out and you probably have seen her already. Have fun.
I'd let her stab me-


I wouldn't let her. But she'd be able to anyway. Wouldn't though.