info Overview
Name - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s full name?

Sam Eva Ramirez

Other names - What other aliases does Sam Eva Ramirez go by?

Samantha, though she hates her name.

Gender - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s gender?


Age - How old is Sam Eva Ramirez?



Find a place of love and safety.


Fear of authority, regret for the past.

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s eye color?




Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Body Type

Taller than average. Thin but less than average.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sam Eva Ramirez have?


Weight - How much does Sam Eva Ramirez weigh?

175 lb

Height - How tall is Sam Eva Ramirez?

Five ten

Hair Color - What color is Sam Eva Ramirez’s hair?

Dark dark brown

Hair Style - How does Sam Eva Ramirez style their hair?

Unstyled most days, sometimes a ponytail or an occasional loose bun.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Sam Eva Ramirez have?

Kind of itches against authority.


Minor Ptsd, but she never talks about it. A bit of an inferiority complex, though she hides it so nobody notices.

Personality type - What personality type is Sam Eva Ramirez?


Talents - What talents does Sam Eva Ramirez have?

Dancing, running, she can throw a good punch. She can skateboard decently, and can consume food like a beast.

Flaws - What flaws does Sam Eva Ramirez have?

Can be a bit lazy, which can infuriate Daniella.

Motivations - What motivates Sam Eva Ramirez most?


Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sam Eva Ramirez have?

Loud, fun, easygoing, occasional sharp tongue.


She can hold her emotions for a long time. She's can be the strength when others can't. It's hard to keep her down for long.

Emotion Stability

When no sensitive spots are touched she can't be beat down. A mix of rebelliousness and fun keep her in relatively high spirits most days.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sam Eva Ramirez practice?

Casual Atheist

Politics - What politics does Sam Eva Ramirez have?

She would be Democrat but isn't into politics.

Favorite food - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s favorite food?

Carne Asada tacos

Favorite possession - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s favorite possession?

Miguel made it, that's for sure.

Favorite weapon - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s favorite animal?


info History
Education - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s level of education?

High school

Birthday - When is Sam Eva Ramirez’s birthday?

August 28th

Background - What is Sam Eva Ramirez’s background?

Her father, Matias, was an army man, and died when she was around eight, leading to her mother getting two jobs, and the move to a not as nice neighborhood. Sam tried to be a good kid, but refused to give her all to school when she could be making new friends instead. Her grades slipped to C's and her mother became furious and lashed out at her. This lead to a relationship where Sam would always leave home when her mother came back unless her brother needed her. She was caught sneaking off to visit her boyfriend and their friends from school, sometimes for minor criminal activity (mostly weed) and grounded. She never agreed with her mother and rarely obeyed her, causing tensions to flare. Finally she had enough and left when she was sure Miguel could handle himself enough to be alone for hours at a time. She hopped around her friends houses until she had a run in with a fey. She was found shortly afterwards by the Marked and taken in for training with only a day to say goodbye to all friends. She did what she could, but couldn't explain her circumstances before disappearing off the face of the earth for good, leaving her friends and boyfriend behind.

Significant Events

Running away from home. Making friends with Daniella. Leaving Luca.

Past Goals

Leaving home, getting married to Luca.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Sam Eva Ramirez have?

Has a dog at home.


Her mother, Maria and her brother, Miguel.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Dislikes seafood. And Severus Snape. Will say no to things the first time they are offered, but has a reputation for being always hungry.

wc Relationships.

She does not have a good relationship with her mother as she was restrictive and at times straight up abusive to her. This prompted her to basically run away from home after a fight and she never looked back.


She loves him with all her heart and sometimes misses him at night. She worries for him because of his hard time socializing because if his autism.


She thinks he's a total sweetheart and is rooting for him to ask Alene out because she's sure they'll be an awesome couple.

Daniella is the friend she was looking for ever since she got to the Barracks. She wanted someone to hang out and gossip with as well as just talk about life. Someone like the friends she used to have. She thinks of Daniella as her new best friend, but jokingly calls her Mija because she is Daniella's senior as well as something of a guide.

She thinks of Orion as a total Dad and thinks he's the absolute best. When she can she likes to shoot the breeze with him on his downtime.

She likes him well enough, but he's not the sort of person she would normally hang out with. He's a bit quiet and shy for her. But she still thinks he's a great guy and would be a great boyfriend for Daniella.

Kym represents all that Sam tries to be and so she looks up to her as an older sister sort of figure. She wishes she could be more like her and seeks to emulate her, enamored with everything she does.


She respects Rune well enough. But sometimes thinks she should be a little less restrictive.

She thinks she's a grumpy asshole and doesn't care much for her.


He was her best friend. He knew how to listen and make her laugh whenever days got too rough. He was thoughtful and kind. She loved him more than anyone but her brother and would have married him if they were older.

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This character was created by Dom on

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