info Overview
Name - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s full name?

Daniella Jacobsen

Other names - What other aliases does Daniella Jacobsen go by?


Gender - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s gender?


Age - How old is Daniella Jacobsen?





Staying connected with friends, finding time to enjoy life.

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s eye color?

Chocolate brown


Arabic American

Skin Tone


Body Type

Thin, somewhat tall, longish arms and legs, muscle mass from daily exercise.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Daniella Jacobsen have?

Small mole on left side of neck.

Weight - How much does Daniella Jacobsen weigh?

140 lb

Height - How tall is Daniella Jacobsen?

Five, nine

Hair Color - What color is Daniella Jacobsen’s hair?

Dark hair. Brown, almost black.

Hair Style - How does Daniella Jacobsen style their hair?

Long; sometimes in a ponytail or messy bun.




Casual shirts, jeans, running shoes.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Daniella Jacobsen have?

Hates slobs.



Personality type - What personality type is Daniella Jacobsen?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Daniella Jacobsen have?

Reading, music, exercising. She used to be in a shooting club.

Talents - What talents does Daniella Jacobsen have?

Instinctive magic

Flaws - What flaws does Daniella Jacobsen have?

Controlling perfectionist.

Motivations - What motivates Daniella Jacobsen most?

Fear. She dreads the thought of failure and chaos. So she takes her meds every day and labors to ensure she’s never falls short of anyone’s expectations, including her own.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Daniella Jacobsen have?

She twists her ring around whenever she’s anxious. She also sucks on the inside of her cheek when she’s thinking, or taps her fingers.


She excels at staying motivated and is a hard worker to the core. She writes good essays and can read very quickly with good comprehension (while she’s taking her meds that is). She has good stamina both mentally and physically and is relatively strong. She is good at reading what certain adults want in order to deliver it. And while not especially good at socializing, she can run into a conversation and impart or receive necessary information with perfect clarity.

Emotion Stability

Complicated. She is still working through feelings of helpless in the universe, but doesn't break down no matter what. So it’s not good, but it works.


Exercising when she feels overwhelmed. It convinces her mind that she is in control.

Core Value


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s favorite color?

White, but she likes soft blues and grays.

Religion - What religion does Daniella Jacobsen practice?

If asked she would say she was a Christian, but she’s not really a practicing one of any denomination.

Occupation - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s occupation?

College searching.

Favorite food - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s favorite possession?

A silver ring she got from her mom. She wears it everywhere and every day. She also is comforted by her mother's oud, which she takes out of the closet sometimes.

Favorite weapon - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s favorite animal?

None. But kind of likes cats.

Job - What job does Daniella Jacobsen have?

Though she doesn’t get paid, she runs her house for her father.

info History
Education - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s level of education?

Through high school. Grades got higher every year until all of high school she was an A student.

Birthday - When is Daniella Jacobsen’s birthday?

July 18th but she doesn't care. (Or November 30th.)

Background - What is Daniella Jacobsen’s background?

Daniella had the standard child history of a white picket fenced Zillenial. Though she can’t remember most of it now, it was a good and happy one. When her mother died when she was nine, her father moved them from Twin Falls, Idaho to the Portland area in Oregon. The many change were very turbulent for the young Daniella, ending in her realizing, after seeing how broken her father was, the she would have to take her mother’s place in the family. Beginning with making her own lunches and doing her best in school, she ended up setting up an exercise regimen, doing the household chores, shopping and budgeting, and helping her father remember to pay the bills, often with her assistance. By seventeen she barely remembered any other way of life, but was sometimes caught by the dissonance she had with other teens her age, making her wish her life had turned out differently. She maintained a small handful of friends after discovering the Orange Juice Club, and deciding the socializing kept her mentally healthy, but often neglected them, nagged by her many necessary duties. Her friends insisted on sticking by her, taking pity on what they knew was a heavy burden to her, although she barely knew it herself. When she was attacked by a fey, managing to escape with powers she didn’t know she had, Daniella’s only thought was to manage to return to her old life of ordinary drab.

Significant Events

The biggest event in her life was the death of her mother. This one thing has impacted her more than anything else. It caused her to be a lot more withdrawn, driven, and sometimes obsessive about being in control.

Past Goals

She had barley formed any goals as a child. She wished for an idyllic life’s in the sunset without much thought to the details. As she go at older one of the things she’s held on to was a boyfriend. When she was younger it was just from the romance of it; but as she grew she just really wanted someone she could lean on: someone that would make her life more happy.

device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes
wc Relationships.

Jim Jacobs
She loves her father with the adoration a daughter can give, but is also realistic and knows him to be a bit of a disaster who needs as much taking care of as she does.


Sam was her light in the darkness. Though she at times is irritated by her friend’s lack of discipline, she knows she would have been absolutely lost without her and loves her like a best friend.

She could help but love him the moment she met him. He was so kind to her, purposefully trying to help her adjust to a frightening new environment talking to her like an old acquaintance and going out of his way to make her feel welcome.

The closest she’s ever come to a romantic partner, Nathaniel is the perfect mix of old friend and new, getting to gain new insights into his personality with their rekindled closeness. She finds herself drawn to him by his calm kindness and casual sophistication.

He is one of the Club that she most related to. She’s understood his sense of cynicism that mirrored the weight of her own life. Though they didn’t talk much about anything serious, she found that just being near him helped her slow down.


She hates him to her core. He has humiliated and tortured her and is the only person she has seriously wondered about killing. Though she eventually hates him less and manages to be partners with him to an extent, she’s still thinks him barbaric and wouldn’t wish him on anyone.

She hates him more than anyone. When she’s entered the Barracks she barely cared about the fight against the fey. But when he killed Nathaniel it made things personal, changing her decision to join the general’s elite.


At first she didn’t care for Rune. She seemed determined and aloof, without much care for Daniella. The fact that she assigned Silas as her trainer did not heighten her opinion. She’s changed her mind after Nathaniel’s death, resolving to be like her in her quest for revenge.

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This character was created by Dom on

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