info Overview
Name - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s full name?

Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram

Role - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s role in your story?

Not Overcome

Gender - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s gender?


Age - How old is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram?

19, 20, 35


To be wanted and loved by her people.


Self doubt, racism, lack of support.

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s eye color?




Linked Races

Skin Tone

Light olive

Body Type

Thin and tall but muscular.

Weight - How much does Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram weigh?


Height - How tall is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram?

5’ 11”

Hair Color - What color is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s hair?

Midnight brown

Hair Style - How does Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram style their hair?

Straight and mid back, tied up when fighting


She has colorful robes for formal occasions, always with black in their design. Her training outfits tend to be as form fitting as modestly allows and on the darker side.

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram have?

She hates all the Gôbé Dalí


She desperately believes that if she works hard enough she can prove her worth, but she has internalized much racism and struggles with her self worth.

Personality type - What personality type is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram?

She is sharp and cold, attempting to always radiate a confidence that she doesn't have and a power that she wishes was stronger, letting her facade fall only for her brother, Barikev, and Metáhul, her only real friend. There she is troubled, confused, and desperate for unconditional love.

Talents - What talents does Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram have?

She is an excellent fighter, mostly using only her body, but she is also somewhat proficient with her father Mahid's shortsword, as well as competent with a short bow. Her greatest strength is her ability to blend different fighting styles.

Flaws - What flaws does Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram have?

She is aggressive, haughty, and belittling of others.

Motivations - What motivates Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram most?

To prove herself worthy to all those who think she shouldn't have been born.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram have?

She isn't verbose. She prefers to communicate with body language whenever easy. She can speak well, and does. She just prefers to let her actions speak for her sometimes.


She can take a hit, emotionally and physically, she is not easily swayed from goals she decides upon.

Emotion Stability

She has a solid shell of protection that is always up, but beneath that she is a huge mess.


Touching her hair

Core Value



History, especially of heroes in battle. Self defense. Food.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s favorite color?


Politics - What politics does Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram have?

She is a believer of the racist views towards the Gôbé Dalí, as well as the Ménna, and is a supporter of the classist ideology of the Tunzíl system

Occupation - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s occupation?

She is a student in the Tunzíl Qasíram.

Favorite possession - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s favorite possession?

Mahid's sword.

Favorite weapon - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s favorite weapon?

Her body

info History
Education - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s level of education?

She is highly educated by the palace scholars, and knows more about the rules of the natural world than the Ménna tribe.

Background - What is Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram’s background?

Ledhálav was born of the prince of alFênrín, Máhid, oldest son of King Mahaim, and a woman of the Menna tribe, Skîlamos. Their union was the greatest scandal the high tunzíl Fênrín had seen in centuries. She was unexpectedly born after her brother, Barikev, and nearly died of strangulation by umbilical cord. Her mother died a few days later. The twins were given to friend of Skîlamos, a woman of the tunzíl Aratok, Álos, who had recently lost her baby son. They were nursed by her until they were two years old, when they were called to the palace for the first time, having never been there before, as their mother had been barred from entering. At age five her father was killed at Dahlaf Ekhdun by Gôbé Dalí scouts. His body was never found, but his armor and swords lay untouched. At age twelve she chose her tunzíl; Qasíram, combat. She was the second woman to be accepted into that tunzíl, but her aunt Bajrah had gone before her, and begged a friend to be a master to Ledâhlav. Her brother Barikev left the palace for the northern border to join Tunzíl Aratok with his foster mother Alos. She stayed, alone for some time, learning all the skills her tunzíl taught, mastering the arts of self defense, focusing on unarmed fighting, but with training in all common weapons as well. She was tormented often, and attacked ruthlessly, but her pride never allowed her to be beaten down. She gained one friend, an older man named Metáhul, of the tunzíl of story holders, who comforted her, and was to her both a father and friend, teaching her of the heroes before her time, most notably Zándir, who rose to greatness in battle, winning great honor, before disappearing mysteriously before old age. There she stayed for nine years until some her brother left the Fênrín kingdom with some Ménna. She was unsure what she was looking for, but glad to flee the city of the palace and spend time with her brother again.

Significant Events

Bringing brought to the palace.
Mahid's death.
Joining her Tunzíl.

Past Goals

To find a family.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ledaláhlav Valíksiri Qasíram have?

None. But she knows how to command dogs.

history Changelog
edit Notes
wc Relationships.

She loved her father, though she barely remembers him. Most of all when she was all alone she would wish that he was alive so she could be loved by him again.

Her mother was always complicated to her. She was a reminder of her blood, something she wished she could forget. But she still was sure her mother did nothing wrong, and wanted justice for how she had been treated.


She loves him more than any. He was the one person in her life that could always be relied upon, no matter what she needed, and was always kind, never caring that he sometimes had to comfort her through the night, and never telling any of her weakness by tears.


At first she didn't like him. The way he looked at her searchingly whenever she talked made her want to hit him for questioning her. She was sure he was looking for ways to prove her wrong. After time had passed, she eventually warmed up to him and his ways, and gained a good friend.

She was confused by her at first, and resentful. To her it seemed Dasâlvi did not offered her the respect she deserved. She was also incensed that Barikev has dared start an emotional relationship with a Ménna, the opposite of her who tried to distance herself from that side. In time she accepted Dasâlvi’s offers of friendship, and she was eventually able to bless the marriage of Dasâlvi and her brother.


One of the few adults she trusts, she goes to him with her problems, knowing he is one of the few that bears her no ill will. It was from him that she learned of Zándir, who was the greatest inspiration to her.


King Mahaim
She forever bore a grudge against him for the dishonor he did to her mother, but being ashamed of her lineage, wanted to please her grandfather nonetheless. It was not until she was insulted by him, and called nifdaim (Bastard. Technically half-blood.) that she rejects his authority and decides to spend the rest of her life in Menna territory.


She looks up to her aunt even though they are not friends. Bajrah is a pillar of strength that Ledhálav desperately wants to impress.

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This character was created by Dom on

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