info Overview
Name - What is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ’s full name?

Dhahis Valíksir Aratok

Role - What is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ’s role in your story?

Pure of heart, light of hair

Other names - What other aliases does Dhahis Valíksir Aratok go by?

Dhahis (Golden. Bc of his hair.) Bari

Gender - What is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ’s gender?


Age - How old is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ?

19, 20, 35

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ’s eye color?




Linked Races

Skin Tone


Body Type

Tall and thin, like his father.

Weight - How much does Dhahis Valíksir Aratok weigh?

160 lbs

Height - How tall is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ?

Six one

Hair Color - What color is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ’s hair?

Strawberry blond

Hair Style - How does Dhahis Valíksir Aratok style their hair?

Shoulder length

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dhahis Valíksir Aratok have?

Barely there

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Dhahis Valíksir Aratok have?

Like all his race, he is bigoted when it comes to the Gobé Li, unaware of the history between the tribes.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dhahis Valíksir Aratok have?

He likes taking walks. This goes hand in hand with his interest in language. He has a few Menna friends that he likes to visit when he gets the time, though he purposely lets few accompany him on such outings.

Talents - What talents does Dhahis Valíksir Aratok have?

Archery, language learning, kindness.

Motivations - What motivates Dhahis Valíksir Aratok most?

He hasn’t seen what people can and will do to each other for reasons they can’t control and wishes to make sure he is never like that.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ’s favorite color?


info History
Education - What is Dhahis Valíksir Aratok ’s level of education?

Close to bilingual. Can read and write well. Knows history and math.

history Changelog
edit Notes
wc Relationships.










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This character was created by Dom on

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