forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Yeah, I'll probably just channel everything into my writing.
My parents took away most of my outlets.

@Pickles group

I love when my teacher assigns us something to look up that she just made up and doesn't know that there's nothing on the internet for it
And then she doesn't put it anywhere and now I don't remember what exactly it was

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yeah, I'll probably just channel everything into my writing.
My parents took away most of my outlets.

you might also try taking out negativity on cleaning. It makes parents happy, generally brings a feling of relief and satifaction, and hey, things are clean now!!!!
(it works for me sometimes, maybe it'll work for you?)

@saor_illust school

It's totally okay Amber!!!

We understand, no one expects you to be on nb 24/7!
(And if they do, that's on them, not you. Not everyone has the time to do that, and it's okay.)


wow i've been inactive and i missed almost 2 weeks of school because i felt sick and i still feel sick and i do have therapy today but i have to walk all the way there 'nd i'd kinda rather just dying instead but i gotta go

@HighPockets group

I love when my teacher assigns us something to look up that she just made up and doesn't know that there's nothing on the internet for it
And then she doesn't put it anywhere and now I don't remember what exactly it was

Same, my teacher just had us do a sheet on McCarthyism, but didn't give us any reading materials for it.