forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Acetylcholine terrain

Don’t fucking respond to it that’s creepy as hell

I don't have that option. I know him in real life, we attend the same campus, and we somewhat know each other's schedules.

Then say the age gap bothers you. Dude has no right being this chummy with someone so much younger

Said that, but a little more eloquently. Hopefully he takes it well.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So i may or may not have stayed up till 11 pressing flowers even though i still have a heck ton of other responsibilities that i have to complete before i can sleep and i have to wake up quite early tomorrow for a long art class thing
i have many regret

Its only 9 but I still have a ton of work to do, so I feel you dude


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Don’t fucking respond to it that’s creepy as hell

I don't have that option. I know him in real life, we attend the same campus, and we somewhat know each other's schedules.

Then say the age gap bothers you. Dude has no right being this chummy with someone so much younger

Said that, but a little more eloquently. Hopefully he takes it well.

Oh good luck.

@Moxie group

So i may or may not have stayed up till 11 pressing flowers even though i still have a heck ton of other responsibilities that i have to complete before i can sleep and i have to wake up quite early tomorrow for a long art class thing
i have many regret

Its only 9 but I still have a ton of work to do, so I feel you dude


I have one paragraph left in a scholarship application, a whole ass history essay I need to have done tomorrow afternoon, and some graphs. I've been really spacey this whole week and I'm not here for it. IhateadhdIhateadhdIhateadhd

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So i may or may not have stayed up till 11 pressing flowers even though i still have a heck ton of other responsibilities that i have to complete before i can sleep and i have to wake up quite early tomorrow for a long art class thing
i have many regret

Its only 9 but I still have a ton of work to do, so I feel you dude


I have one paragraph left in a scholarship application, a whole ass history essay I need to have done tomorrow afternoon, and some graphs. I've been really spacey this whole week and I'm not here for it. IhateadhdIhateadhdIhateadhd

I have a mini paper about a SCOTUS roleplay. It's a Reflection thing. And I have to do ten citations with mini paragraphs after each one. Then I have to take two quiz tests. One about instruction. The other about a chapter I didn't read because I didn't feel like it. 'Cause I'm a dumbass.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

So i may or may not have stayed up till 11 pressing flowers even though i still have a heck ton of other responsibilities that i have to complete before i can sleep and i have to wake up quite early tomorrow for a long art class thing
i have many regret

Its only 9 but I still have a ton of work to do, so I feel you dude


I have one paragraph left in a scholarship application, a whole ass history essay I need to have done tomorrow afternoon, and some graphs. I've been really spacey this whole week and I'm not here for it. IhateadhdIhateadhdIhateadhd

I have a mini paper about a SCOTUS roleplay. It's a Reflection thing. And I have to do ten citations with mini paragraphs after each one. Then I have to take two quiz tests. One about instruction. The other about a chapter I didn't read because I didn't feel like it. 'Cause I'm a dumbass.

Ahahahah I'mma just hop in the procrastination club.
Science Homework to do? yes.
2 tests next week? yep.
Lesson plan to prep for monday? only me.
Does that lesson also need to be taught in half the reccomended time? Yep.
Do I have a sleepover this weekend that means I won't do crap? Yes.
Am I home alone tomorrow? Also yes.
Does that mean I will play video games instead of doing school? Yep.


sometimes i’m glad i don’t have many major responsibilities because i manage to procrastinate showering for 3 days, i would not be able to handle complex assignments or whatever the heck

@Acetylcholine terrain

Update: He took it well and is totally chill with just being friends. Thank goodness too, I don't think I could've handled him gracefully if he took it wrong.


Tip for people who forget everything (me):

Instead of writing a reminder in your notebook somewhere, grab a random object around the house and purposefully place it somewhere that will get in your way right when you need the reminder. You’ll ask yourself “Why is this here?”, move it, and then remember “oh yeah! I was supposed to bring the mayonnaise.”
Works every time


Unless you are already a very messy person, or there is a toddler running around the house unchecked when your at school. then weird things end up every where all the time and you've stopped asking why.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Tip for people who forget everything (me):

Instead of writing a reminder in your notebook somewhere, grab a random object around the house and purposefully place it somewhere that will get in your way right when you need the reminder. You’ll ask yourself “Why is this here?”, move it, and then remember “oh yeah! I was supposed to bring the mayonnaise.”
Works every time

Do you do this at all?


I'm stressed
I have to have my game playable for the competition on the 14th and it's not going great but I find great entertainment in the fact that currently in my game it rains a deadly ammount of zombies from the sky
I have a video of that
Also recently tried to apply for a scholarship and had to make a piece of art for it so I did a digital piece and my laptop broke the day it was due so I had to hand in a random piece of art that doesn't even fit the theme…yay.

Sorry just had to rant about my minor technological inconveniences

@Pickles group

No one:
Me, not actually wearing my coat on the way to the high school while it's snowing Me, pretending to be on broadway in the freezing cold:
Also me: lol why am I sick

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Unless you are already a very messy person, or there is a toddler running around the house unchecked when your at school. then weird things end up every where all the time and you've stopped asking why.

It also goes for moms who are clean freaks.
And if you have a large family in general.


Tip for people who forget everything (me):

Instead of writing a reminder in your notebook somewhere, grab a random object around the house and purposefully place it somewhere that will get in your way right when you need the reminder. You’ll ask yourself “Why is this here?”, move it, and then remember “oh yeah! I was supposed to bring the mayonnaise.”
Works every time

Do you do this at all?

Today I left an entire box of books right in front of my door to remind me that I’m supposed to bring the necklace
It worked
Although I’d highly recommend using a dvd case, small container, singular book, or really anything else because stubbing your toe on the sharp corner of a hard plastic box when you just woke up is not a pleasant experience


No one:
Me, not actually wearing my coat on the way to the high school while it's snowing Me, pretending to be on broadway in the freezing cold:
Also me: lol why am I sick


Deleted user

my mom is talking about how much Eminem sucks because of the language he uses

in a song

that talks about


I think that merits some language

She doesn't even know what it's about and she's just like "it's too much"

Like what
She doesn't tell me to turn it off
Because she knows I'm obsessed
But still???
Like, this is a very emotional song about something really serious??????

Deleted user

I have decided to push down all my emotions and bottle them up, then, if someone pisses me off, I'm going to let all my emotions go and punch their lights out.

@Anemone eco

I have decided to push down all my emotions and bottle them up, then, if someone pisses me off, I'm going to let all my emotions go and punch their lights out.

Reed, I say this as someone who has done this before. Don't. It won't get you anywhere good. I'm warning you now.

Deleted user

I get yelled at for crying and expressing my emotions, so yeah, repression.

@Anemone eco

Reed. Don't. I understand the whole getting yelled at for crying and the like, it has happened to me, but repressing the emotions will do you and the people around you no good.