forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

Guided questions are hit or miss, because sometimes the curtains are just blue, you know? But sometimes they're really helpful to finding themes and ideas.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

It's wonderful in theory, but the actual story lacks in excitement. I do like that there are no heroes and Victor's struggle over possibly being the actual monster is captivating, but I feel as though it would be more interesting if it was sped up a bit. Henry never got any real depth to him, which is a shame. Right now I'm in chapter 22

and there's just Victor's struggle going on, how much better can it get in two and a half chapters? I do agree with you that the complexity of Victor's character is gorgeously written. I appreciate it from a writer's view, but as a reader, it fails to excite me.

@Pickles group

deep breath
unpopular opinion: The first person POV doesn't add anything to the plot of Frankenstein except more words. The book is so long even Odysseus didn't want to finish it. I swear, I don't just unlike it because my English teacher assigned it, it's just too descriptive for me, and my father agrees. Frankenstein is not worth the time.

Unpopular opinion: the amount of words wouldn't fucking change with the point of view and the whole point is that it's written in first person.

@HighPockets group

deep breath
unpopular opinion: The first person POV doesn't add anything to the plot of Frankenstein except more words. The book is so long even Odysseus didn't want to finish it. I swear, I don't just unlike it because my English teacher assigned it, it's just too descriptive for me, and my father agrees. Frankenstein is not worth the time.

Unpopular opinion: the amount of words wouldn't fucking change with the point of view and the whole point is that it's written in first person.

And there it is, thanks babe. If anything, it'd be more wordy.

@HighPockets group

Bruv. Frankenstein isn't that long of a book.

I would even maybe go as far as to say it's a novella, it's literally under 300 pages. Maybe I'm just used to tomes, but that's not a lot.

@HighPockets group

Also Henry's purpose is to be a foil, so he doesn't have a ton of depth.
Not to mention that one of Victor's defining traits is that he's self-absorbed, and since Henry is dead before we meet him, it makes since that Victor doesn't point out every little thing Henry's ever done wrong since he's in mourning for his best friend.


Yeah I was trying to find out the amount of pages online (since I've never read Frankenstein) and while the answers varied slightly, none of them were even 300 pages. I don't consider that to be a long book at all, but hey, I also read the Harry Potter series multiple times and a Steven King book that is 1000+ pages, so most books don't seem all that long anymore ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Bruv. Frankenstein isn't that long of a book.

I would even maybe go as far as to say it's a novella, it's literally under 300 pages. Maybe I'm just used to tomes, but that's not a lot.

It feels so much longer, probably because my English teacher teaches so slowwww


I want friends
Why can’t I have friends
I’m so hecking lonely
I just want a bean that I can care about who doesn’t hate my guts
We could go on adventures
We could make an art
Heck, i’d even pick up gardening or exercising, hobbies that I’m not a big fan of, if it means I get to spend time with a fren
They don’t even have to talk to me I just need a physical human being in my presence so I’m not as alone
Is that too much to ask for

@GameMaster group

deep breath
unpopular opinion: The first person POV doesn't add anything to the plot of Frankenstein except more words. The book is so long even Odysseus didn't want to finish it. I swear, I don't just unlike it because my English teacher assigned it, it's just too descriptive for me, and my father agrees. Frankenstein is not worth the time.

Unpopular opinion: the amount of words wouldn't fucking change with the point of view and the whole point is that it's written in first person.

And there it is, thanks babe. If anything, it'd be more wordy.

Why is everyone arguing about it. They literally said it was an unpopular opinion.

@Anemone eco

You said it yourself. It's unpopular. You can't expect people not to voice their objections to something they don't agree with.


Odd vent but I've come to the realization that I've gained roughly 15 pounds and I don't know how to feel about it.

I'm usually around 56 kg but I've been recently weighed and now I'm around 66 kg. It makes sense since I've been having a protein-rich diet for the past six months, and I'm taking a PE class. I haven't noticed much of any physical change though (except for my arms and waist, those do feel bigger).

Anyways, this is a long-winded rant of me just trying to say I'm going on a diet to better hone my muscles and cut down on gaining fat.


You do realize that muscles weigh more than fat, right? And that a certain amount of fat is healthy?

I'm aware. That's like, the whole point of my rant: I have a chance to improve my body and I'm taking it. What's so wrong with that?