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@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

deep breath
unpopular opinion: The first person POV doesn't add anything to the plot of Frankenstein except more words. The book is so long even Odysseus didn't want to finish it. I swear, I don't just unlike it because my English teacher assigned it, it's just too descriptive for me, and my father agrees. Frankenstein is not worth the time.

@HighPockets group

Just cuz you're too much of a pussy to handle some purple prose doesn't mean the book is bad.
Again, a joke because I don't want to get in trouble.

Deleted user


@HighPockets group

In fact, until you've read This Is How You Lose The Time War, your opinion on purple prose is highly invalid. I fucking love purple prose, I arguably write it myself, but I almost had to throw in the towel on that one.
Except I powered through because it's an excellent book.


So my expensive laptop that I bought last January that has never given me any issues in my entire time of owning it randomly shut off yesterday and would not turn back on, me and my mom tried everything but it just won't turn back on and I still have warranty so Microsoft will send me a new one but I have been crying and stressed all day yesterday and today because I stored all my photos and digital drawings on there so I have lost a years worth of drawings and several years of photos including all the photos from my school trip to Greece, family trip to Mexico pretty much just all my photos which meant a lot to me and I'll probably never see them again


Well, today was the first time in a long time that I've had a full-on panic attack. So that was fun. Not.
It happened when I was driving too so double not fun because I already dislike driving. (Don't worry, I pulled over and sat through the worst of it).

probably happened because I've been off my meds for a little more than a week, but that's out of my control

Deleted user

Take out the hard drive and insert it into a different machine. All your stuff should be fine

@HighPockets group

Well, today was the first time in a long time that I've had a full-on panic attack. So that was fun. Not.
It happened when I was driving too so double not fun because I already dislike driving. (Don't worry, I pulled over and sat through the worst of it).

probably happened because I've been off my meds for a little more than a week, but that's out of my control

Oh no, that sucks too! Panic attacks are the worst.

@HighPockets group

If it helps, my friend just said "Just call me Lightning McQueer, kachow"

For some reason this gives me the same vibes as the "got diagnosed with cool guy syndrome, ahahaha. So now I take Aderall, ahahaha-" vine.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

You uncultured swine.
For legal reasons, that's a joke.
Except not really.

Convince me I should read the text in all its floweryness and not just find the answers to the guided questions online. Why do you like it so much?

@HighPockets group

You uncultured swine.
For legal reasons, that's a joke.
Except not really.

Convince me I should read the text in all its floweryness and not just find the answers to the guided questions online. Why do you like it so much?

First off, using guided questions is a cheap move and will only hinder you in life.
Second, I don't feel comfortable getting into that with a stranger. It's very personal to me and I am not comfortable sharing why I love it with you.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

My teacher only ever assigns guided questions that she's used for the past million years, which is awful. I hate using questions to guide through a book. I think as I think and if I want to get into a discussion about it, I will. I'd like to know why everyone thinks this book is so great because I don't see it.

@HighPockets group

I mean, it was the first ever science fiction book, so there's that. Not to mention the depth and complexity of the leads, and the fact that there are no heroes. Why it means to much to me is…personal. I don't think I've really told anyone, mainly because I'm still sort of processing it myself, but the fact that it's an excellent book still stands.