forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

I'm finally out of my reading slump and I cleaned a little bit of my room. I still have a lot to go until my birthday, but it looks a lot better


Update: My best friend just asked what my three favorite colors are and if I could send her a semi-recent selfie
all out of the blue after not talking for ages
…something fishy's going on, i can taste it-
knowing her she's probably gonna surprise me with an amazing art or something and i'm probably gonna cry

@Anemone eco

Have you ever had a friend that you appreciated and loved a lot, then they were gone, you were forced to move on without them and accept that they're gone? And you succeed in doing so for quite a while, but suddenly, you're reminded of them and how much you miss them? And you know that no matter how much you want them back that they're never coming back and that you'll never see them again?

I thought I knew how to deal with these feelings but I was wrong. Very wrong.

I miss them.

Deleted user

  1. Guess who's nauseous again
  2. When you want to call someone out but don't want to seem mean

Deleted user

anxiety attack comes back and is worse eMI WHYYYYYYY

Deleted user

Well this wouldn’t be happening if you didn’t force me to send the email. Now he wants to talk about it to my ugly stupid tomato face. I’m going to sound so fucking stupid why do you do this I’m going to die.

Deleted user


you’re making it harder on yourself by avoiding it


You know what I want right now. I want to be able to vent to my friends without them going "Oh but you're beautiful." "Stop saying that about yourself." And I know that may sound rude, but sometimes I just want someone to just listen while I hate myself because I'm trying to talk about what is going on in my head and if they are saying that crap, instantly my mind is filled with more crap along the lines of "What of they are just saying that to be nice." " What if they are trying to make me shut up because they don't actually care?" And more crap like that. I just want to scream to someone in real life, have them pat me on the shoulder (Because I hate hugs and all of that crap) and just say "That Sucks"

@saor_illust school

You know, I think I need someone to tell me that I need to go to school.
i walk and if i leave now i'm already going to be late but if i don't get going soon i'm never going to end up going by my own will. i don't even know why i don't feel like going today

Deleted user

You know what I want right now. I want to be able to vent to my friends without them going "Oh but you're beautiful." "Stop saying that about yourself." And I know that may sound rude, but sometimes I just want someone to just listen while I hate myself because I'm trying to talk about what is going on in my head and if they are saying that crap, instantly my mind is filled with more crap along the lines of "What of they are just saying that to be nice." " What if they are trying to make me shut up because they don't actually care?" And more crap like that. I just want to scream to someone in real life, have them pat me on the shoulder (Because I hate hugs and all of that crap) and just say "That Sucks"

Agree, when I hate myself I keep getting extreme positivity thrown at me. Like let me hate myself people make it sometimes worse by trying to fix it with positivity.