Hello! You may’ve seen me on the forums, or somehow managed to fall into the pit of my WIPs and OCs. Regardless of how you came here, it’s nice to meet you dear hypothetical person! “Who’s this crazy guy attempting a conversation with a hypothetical person?” You’re probably thinking; glad you asked!
I’m Cackla, a twat with too little free time.
If someone was asked to describe me, then they’d probably say I’m a hyperactive to some, shy as hell to others autistic gremlin of the insane kind.
I like to draw (should upload those character pics soon), to write, read, indulge in excessive junk food, listen to music (mostly rock, metal, electronic, electroswing, and other random assorted genres), play some video games on the side, walk early in the morning where no one else can see me, and build model kits of robots.
Don't make me pick.
“Shovel down your bland rations. Slurp your coffee-flavoured sludge. Sure it sucks—but that’s being human.” - V.III O’Keeffe (ACVI)