@Cackla-the-Phantasma group
All right, time to explain this in the most concise way that I can.
In one of my WIPs, a mega corporation has created a line of robots to use as soldiers in their corporate army to exploit a legal loophole.
Initially, the robots operated without any form of religion and carried out menial labor as well as the aforementioned getting shipped overseas to blow up corporate city states and some POWs along the way.
However, an armed rebellion took place after the winner of the corporation’s robotic gladiator tournament decided to take up arms alongside the MegaCorp.
Eventually, after the leader of the rebellion was ripped from his body and cast into digital hell for over 75 years (Don’t ask lol), the co-leaders of the rebellion surrendered and accepted a peace treaty.
While there were many conditions to this treaty, as you can probably guess from the title, only one really matters here.
The mega corporation would make 17 special robots stylized from the 7 deadly sins, the 7 heavenly virtues, and Freud’s Id, Ego, and Superego.
Long story short, the robots were encouraged to accept this new religion; the way that the mega corp would subliminally teach the robots what they wanted them to think. Many of the robots prior to the rebellion would declare themselves as religious leaders and High Priests. These leaders would encourage the robots under their faith to donate to “improve world peace” (Read: War is Peace), sign dubious agreements under the convoluted Contract System, and overall sell themselves to their faith (Read: to the Corporation).
The 17 robots mentioned earlier would also demand tributes, virgin robots, and occasionally ritual sacrifice. They also fought amongst themselves, with certain groups of them claiming to be the one, real faith.
Atheist robots and robots who followed human philosophies were watched, taxed, and demoted from powerful postions. Some of the more troublesome “heretics” were then killed by the corporate robot secret police.
Of course, not all proponents of the new religion were malicious, idiots, or both. Hell, some of them twisted the religion in order to make it one of morality rather than of corporate interest. But nonetheless, its origins were quite clear to those that were able to access basic information.
If you managed to read all that, or just skipped here to the bottom, I’d like to hear some thoughts about this. I’m all ears. Rip this idea to shreds and put a better one in its place if you need to.
Happy critiquing!