@Cackla-the-Phantasma group
“What the hell is this darkening my doorstep?” you’re probably asking reading this silly unnecessary prelude to this bizarre thread that probably should be in Conditions.
Glad you asked.
As you can probably tell from my previous activity on here, I’m not Neurotypical. I believe this gives me Administrator access to talk about characters on the spectrum like me (I think..)
Is it just me, or I find myself relating way too much to robots and or artificial intelligence?
I’ve always thought that human representation of the ‘Tisms have been more prone to stereotypes (coughs in Music, TBBT, and Rainman). This isn’t to say that all human representation of the ‘Tisms are terrible, some are very good. Really good. Just that I personally don’t relate to most of them.
You can probably tell where this is headed, but I don’t find myself having the same problem with machines in fiction. As a matter of fact, I see parts of myself in SHODAN from System Shock, GLaDOS from Portal, the characters from Murder Drones (Cyn specifically), and HAL from 2001 amongst many others.
If you start to notice a pattern with these characters, don’t fret. I’m not talking about their motivations or goals involving mass murder, more so their differences from their creators and for some of them, their way of concealing them.
I too have a strange, often annoying way of communicating, heavy contrasts between being seemingly emotionally detached and too emotional (Read: Angry/Sad), attempt to mask but at some point forget to bother about the T-Rex arms and speaking the actions I’m doing, and misunderstanding of what others want of me.
I suppose the part of my brain that relates to fictional characters got messed up somehow or I’m beginning to not see myself as a normal human being anymore.
What are your thoughts? Am I alone in this esoteric opinion or do others also relate to Mass Murdering AIs?
Sorry if this ended up being long. I should probably work on shortening stuff like this down..