Probably Sylvia. She prefers to hang upside down in trees and cut up children's toys to hang on the trees. She says they are "Chase's" ornaments. No one really questions it much though.
She also likes to talk to this guy named 'Kenzi', always pointing to where he's at but no one can really see. She has this purple book she always carries around that has black ink smeared all over the pages in sloppy "finger-painting" kind of writing.
Who's your least hateful character?
Definitely Dahlia. But she is six years old. And she is amazing. She is also dead…
Who is your least favorite character? (we all play favorites)
(Spoiler contains mentions of SA)
Probably the Triadmus Council, my triad of cult leaders who’ve turned coat from the robot revolution to their human overlords because they had their asses kicked in the rebellion.
The least terrible one is a sanctimonious angelic figure by the name of Samazriel, who just won’t shut up about morality and how “impure/unworthy” the characters are. Unlike the others, he wholeheartedly believes the faith, which makes him more bearable than his partners.
Worst of all is their leader (Pyus) is a
Spoiler - click to show.
gaslighting shithead who essentially assaulted the protagonist after she tried to leave the cult
, and he’s just a complete dickhead to Io (protagonist mentioned earlier) and her friends after that. He is the reason she had a hatred of religion for a while until her boyfriend helped her process the trauma, both mental and physical.
While Pyus is the worst one in terms of morality, the last member Pascal is just the most insufferably annoying one.
He’s named after the philosophical argument I hate the most (Pascal’s Wager. [Boils down to “It is best to believe in God in order to avoid punishment when being an Atheist would either net you punishment, or no reward”]).
His dialogue and personality essentially boils down to “Best to take the safe cowardly route when any other option isn’t guaranteed!”
Pascal pretty much doesn’t even believe in the religion unlike the rest. He’s just using it to insert himself into a position of power while also being a snob douchebag in the process.
If you’re wondering why I’m keeping these dudes in, it’s because leaving them out would be a waste when I could have the protagonists (More accurately the Order’s own malicious incompetence) beat them up to gratify repressed emotions. They’re also great thematically, with the whole defeating your demons to come to peace with them.
Anyways, enough yapping from me about my nerd universe lol. Here’s next question!
“Who is your least conventional character?”