forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


okay… if you say so

I’m just really sick of seeing my friends hurt and not being able to do a thing about it-

those same people would write entire essays to cheer me up yet I can’t even build up the bravery to speak to them half the time…

I totally get what you're saying. This happens all the time for me when I want to say a million things to someone to help them, but none can come out. At this point, what you can do, is just accompany them through it. Lend a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on.
(I hope this helps because I honestly have the same problem)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You have a mission on this earth Nutella. I have no idea what it is. But you are here for a reason. You are here to accomplish something great; even if other people don’t see it that way. It might be something rather small to you. Maybe it’s simply to be a good friend to a lot of people. Even that will send ripples through the entire universe.


You have a mission on this earth Nutella. I have no idea what it is. But you are here for a reason. You are here to accomplish something great; even if other people don’t see it that way. It might be something rather small to you. Maybe it’s simply to be a good friend to a lot of people. Even that will send ripples through the entire universe.

I really needed that…
Thank you<3<3<3

@saor_illust school

my dad saw some videos related to this
and i really really need to rant about this

Dear Dumb People Of This Earth,
Wild animals, such as pumas, cougars, and bears are not pets. I repeat, wild animals are not pets. They are not, and never have been pets. I sincerely don't understand how you can possibly think having a puma or a cougar as a pet is the same thing as owning a domestic cat as a pet. They are absolutely not the same thing. Sure, they're technically both cats. But the main difference is that a cougar is only tame for so long. Once it gets tired of you, or you do something it doesn't like, it probably will rebel and attack its owner. And, for a cat its size, it probably will either kill you, or injure you badly. And it's even worse if you have a bear. Bears are a whole different scenario. No kind of bear has ever been domesticated to live in people's homes, not unlike wolves. The domesticated species of wolves are more commonly known as dogs, so it's not as bad if you keep a pet wolf than if you keep a pet bear. Mother bears will literally rip out your throat if you even come close to their cubs. They are extremely protective about their young, and what happens if for some reason you adopt a mother bear who is pregnant, and she gives birth in your house? What are you going to do then? Huh? Or, what if you need to move and the apartment you are moving to doesn't allow animals? You can't bring your pet cougar or puma or bear there. But you also cannot just dump your pet in the wild. There is a reason we call invasive species invasive. If they are not native to the area you live in, just releasing your pet into the wild can have disastrous consequences. Please, if you are considering adopting a pet puma, cougar, bear, or other wild animal, DON'T. They will be better off in the wild then they will with you. That is, if we, the even more stupid and dumb human population of Earth actually do something about climate change instead of sitting around and lecturing others on how bad it is and what we should do about it. Don't just sit around and talk about it, do it. And yeah, I basically did just call myself stupid and dumb. And technically we all are. No-one is doing anything about climate change. We're all just sitting around and talking about how bad and terrible it is, what it's doing to the animals, but are we actually doing anything? NO. We need to stand up, and say, "I'm going to do this," and then actually do it.
Thanks for reading all of this,


Okay wow, Izzy. I just read this and….damn. As someone who just recently moved out of Alaska, the bear thing is so fucking true. Back in AK, we would hear multiple stories every summer about bear maulings. Usually stupid tourists who thought that they could get close to a bear without being killed

@saor_illust school

(Thanks Jay!)
Yeah, I don't know how people actually think, "Oh, why don't I go and adopt a wild bear/cougar/puma/lion! It'll be loads of fun!" NO IT'S NOT GOING TO BE FUN IT'S GOING TO END BADLY


Oh hey Jay I'll also be in Ohio for a little while cause I live here and then we're going to Missouri to visit family who I hate

I'm going to Harrison (it's like immediately west of Cincinnati) to see my mom's side of the family.
(I don't hate them but I'm sorry you have to visit your family)


Mhm! My therapist suggested writing no-holds barred letters about whatever is making you angry, then destroying it (either throw it in the fire or paper shredder or garbage). You'll feel better, and you won't risk any relationship by saying something in the heat of the moment and regretting it later.

Deleted user

I’m trying to draw myself and I realize it’s not my hands, but rather my face that is bad

exhausted sigh

It took me so long to get the shape of my face down

why cheekbones



“I cleaned my entire room and babysat my siblings without you asking so you could watch your Korean dramas, pin outdated memes on Pinterest, and bug people about your mlm business in peace”