forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


how does one stop procrastinating?
i have an opportunity to go to Japan next summer (after school gets out) however, in order to go I need to have at least a B in all my classes. this is a problem because I believe my grade in English right now is a C- bc I hate that class. I need to get my grade up to at least a B (not a B-, but a B) in order to attend the trip. I've got A's in the rest of my classes it's just English that's my problem

so how do I stop procrastinating and actually tell my dad about the projects we have to do in that class so he can help me with them?

  1. Hit me up in PMs if you want 1/1 academic help my guy!
  2. Idrk but murrah crisis


You know Christmas is going great when you haven’t even opened presents yet and have already broke your sister’s favorite stocking stuffer, been yelled at by siblings for destroying everything, went back to your room to cry, were completely forgotten about until breakfast, couldn’t even bring yourself to eat anything, and despite being visibly not okay not a single person had noticed

Deleted user

Bruh do we have a Broken Hearts chat yet because if not I need to make one ASAP

Deleted user

Hey Rubes! Merry Christmas! :D

thanks i guess… ihatecelebratingchristmas…

Deleted user

Hey Rubes! Merry Christmas! :D

thanks i guess… ihatecelebratingchristmas…


Deleted user

Hey Rubes! Merry Christmas! :D

thanks i guess… ihatecelebratingchristmas…

