forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


When you’re feeling anxious and very easily frightened so you try to look at wholesome memes to calm down but the first meme is about the one fear you were trying to escape from

this is fine
distant screaming intensifies


Hi my boyfriend and I went ice skating today and that was fun. My vent is that I fell (I actually fell three times but) and kinda landed weird and now my wrist hurts and I'm a little worried ngl. It's obviously not broken, but I think I've at least pulled a muscle and I can't really bear much weight on it without it hurting quite a bit (but I'm on ibuprofen rn so it's not hurting too bad)


When you’re feeling anxious and very easily frightened so you try to look at wholesome memes to calm down but the first meme is about the one fear you were trying to escape from

this is fine
distant screaming intensifies


Deleted user

Hi my boyfriend and I went ice skating today and that was fun. My vent is that I fell (I actually fell three times but) and kinda landed weird and now my wrist hurts and I'm a little worried ngl. It's obviously not broken, but I think I've at least pulled a muscle and I can't really bear much weight on it without it hurting quite a bit (but I'm on ibuprofen rn so it's not hurting too bad)

You might have sprained it. Try icing it and wrapping it up.

@GameMaster group

Hi my boyfriend and I went ice skating today and that was fun. My vent is that I fell (I actually fell three times but) and kinda landed weird and now my wrist hurts and I'm a little worried ngl. It's obviously not broken, but I think I've at least pulled a muscle and I can't really bear much weight on it without it hurting quite a bit (but I'm on ibuprofen rn so it's not hurting too bad)

You might have sprained it. Try icing it and wrapping it up.

Yeah I fudged up my ankle in the same way. As long as it’s not swelling, it should mend itself in a week or two.


Cool cool. I iced it last night and it's not as bad, but still hurts. Since it hurts just by existing, idk how much a wrist brace would actually help (we do have one though)


Oh no! That must hurt a lot. By the way- if I burned myself and it starts peeling should I pick at it? Will it leave a scar? What happens if I rip it off and it bleeds?

@saor_illust school

If you burned yousrself and it starts peeling DON'T PICK AT IT. From all these questions I assume you already did, and that you've accidentally ripped it off and now you're bleeding. Alright the first thing you should do if you're bleeding is to try to stop the bleeding. Do anything you can to put pressure on the wound so that it can clot more easily. More tips coming, but I want to get this message out to you first.


It's not the worst pain I've ever felt… and despite picking at every little cut on my body, I've heard that picking at things is bad, so probably don't? And if it bleeds, put a paper towel on it and apply pressure until the bleeding stops, then put on a bandaid or something I guess. I think things only leave scars if you continuously pick at them but idk

@saor_illust school

After you've stopped the bleeding, replace whatever you put over it with a dressing of sorts (not salad dressing but like bandaging dressing), since you don't want it to get infected. I don't know if it'll leave a scar if you pick at at, but it isn't good if you pick at it. Picking at skin that is peeling if you've burned yourself has a higher probability that it breaks or rips off and that will expose blood, meaning that you will be more susceptible to infection. If you ever get hurt and you feel the urge to pick at something, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT PICK AT IT. If it bleeds, then you need to get something clean over it as soon as possible, you obviously don't want it to get infected. You want to put pressure over it so you don't lose too much blood.

Deleted user

That's a whole mood. I feel you.
If you ever need to talk, I'm here. I don't get on often but eh.

Deleted user

Well guess who might be getting a nice scar on her arm.

uh… Okay?

Deleted user

If you're referencing cutting, don't, been there done that.
Take a moment to calm down, read a book you like or write something. Personally, poetry helps me out when I have episodes. Just word vomit onto google docs, or here. You need it out before it hurts you.
If you're referencing something else, okay, please elaborate.