forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

opens gates of hell hi yes holo all kiddos who accept dating at 13 is ok and have dated at that age are welcome into my courts ill love you and cherish you as 80s synthwave incarnate mother yes

Deleted user

Also who’s the girl in the gif?

I have no idea, why?

exceedingly heterosexual vibes

wiggles eyebrows Ooooooooooooh, Dommyyyyyy~~

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

opens gates of hell hi yes holo all kiddos who accept dating at 13 is ok and have dated at that age are welcome into my courts ill love you and cherish you as 80s synthwave incarnate mother yes

Hey op what the-

Deleted user



Deleted user

opens gates of hell hi yes holo all kiddos who accept dating at 13 is ok and have dated at that age are welcome into my courts ill love you and cherish you as 80s synthwave incarnate mother yes

Hey op what the-

Its not a phase MAhm


Also who’s the girl in the gif?

I have no idea, why?

exceedingly heterosexual vibes

What is this word you speak of?

It’s a joke after I questioned how the hell “gay” could be a mood.

Oh lol

Deleted user

I need sleep…

Then go.

Its like you dont like me here GOOOOOd how insensitive fake cries

this is why i dont human

Deleted user

Its like you dont like me here GOOOOOd how insensitive fake cries

w h a t

@GameMaster group

I actually have this really great technique for dating in which I become really good friends with all my crushes and bury my feelings for them and never say anything about it

Basically I‘ve figured out how to friendzone myself

Deleted user

Its like you dont like me here GOOOOOd how insensitive fake cries

w h a t

sorry dont try to understand me i've had a horrible last six months and im literally suffering from like ptsd rn im sorry

Deleted user

I actually have this really great technique for dating in which I become really good friends with all my crushes and bury my feelings for them and never say anything about it

Basically I‘ve figured out how to friendzone myself


Deleted user

ok bye ya'll im not gonna get on for like another three months so dont miss my ass :P bai

@Pickles group

Also who’s the girl in the gif?

I have no idea, why?

exceedingly heterosexual vibes

What is this word you speak of?

It’s a joke after I questioned how the hell “gay” could be a mood.
