forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

Not AP English because we dont have AP courses yet but over grade level in english, so semi special…?

Deleted user

I wondered if that was you. Mm. Fifteen is a touch young.

for dating??


B r u h

Deleted user

I wondered if that was you. Mm. Fifteen is a touch young.

for dating??


B r u h

I've dated since i was 13 uhhhhhmm nah bud 13 is too young, 14-15 is ok. i ended up ok and it was a leaaarning experience.

Deleted user

I wondered if that was you. Mm. Fifteen is a touch young.

for dating??


B r u h

I've dated since i was 13 uhhhhhmm nah bud 13 is too young, 14-15 is ok. i ended up ok and it was a leaaarning experience.

I started at 13 too and I honestly don't regret it shrug

But I've always been pretty mature, and the people I dated were too

Deleted user

Puffs up I am tall and old!

Rips off James Bond glasses That's exactly what a child would say

Deleted user

…yeah i have to agree that is a bit young

My personal belief is that you will know when you're ready to date. You'll be able to feel it. shrugs


I wondered if that was you. Mm. Fifteen is a touch young.

for dating??


B r u h

I've dated since i was 13 uhhhhhmm nah bud 13 is too young, 14-15 is ok. i ended up ok and it was a leaaarning experience.

I started at 13 too and I honestly don't regret it shrug

But I've always been pretty mature, and the people I dated were too

I had a… semi-relationship at 13, but basically all we did was sit at the same table at lunch and held hands for two minutes once until he told me I was sweating too much and that I could let go now. He broke up with me after two weeks after admitting he never really liked me, I was the fifth girl he'd asked out that day on a long list of potential girlfriends, and he thought I was being too 'clingy'.

Then I had my first real relationship for three months, from almost-sixteen to actually-sixteen and that went… slightly better

We actually went on dates and kissed and stuff, y'know

and we had our own tree. Actually multiple.

and he said he was in love with me and we shared romantic fantasies of growing up and moving into a little cottage in rural Canada and having a nice domestic life together

and then things didn't work out and I realized that I was definitely not mentally stable enough to be in a relationship and he almost certainly wasn't either