forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I just sorta ripped open the skin on my shoulder (in a small area) and now there's like, a silver dollar/slightly bigger than a quarter sized blood stain on my thin, light blue hoodie, so that's fun

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I am going to momentarily interrupt to morn over the loss of the most eloquent masterpiece I have ever written. It is filled with raw emotion and heart breaking gut wrenching moments, truly, probably the best thing I have ever composed. This piece will never be seen, and never be read by any eye's but my own. I will share one quote because I am rather proud of it "I was Icarus flying on fragile wings of your time, then, out came the sun of your neglect."

You speak of mourning. Is it gone?

Deleted user

I hate it when my mom says "I wish I had your problems." Like, no?? Not only is that super belittling, she also doesn't want my problems, because they're definitely worse than having to figure out when the best time to go to the grocery store is.

Deleted user

I hate to be that person– wait, no I don't– but your mom had bigger problems than that.

You don't know my mom, Lizzie.

@Pickles group

Yeah? Well she's a mom. She has to worry about you, getting food on the table, keeping the roof over your head, staying safe, plus other shit in her life that she doesn't tell you about. Just because you think she's belittling your problems does not mean you get to belittle hers.

Deleted user

Dear lord, I'm venting, okay? This is why people dislike the direction this site is going. On the topic of belittling, do not belittle anyone's vents on a chat made for them. End of discussion. I get why people feel unable to speak here.

@Pickles group

Get it through your head that I'm not belittling your problems. I'm saying you don't get to belittle hers because hers aren't little either.

Deleted user

We've all been trying to tell you that for so long lmao

This discussion is over

@The-Magician group

I wasn't on about your pointless dispute, not everything is about you rolls eyes
I had no intention of talking about your discussion anyway.
MY comment was directed towards the people at work who think it is okay to bring stuff up that I asked them to keep quiet about.
I've had enough of people bringing up the past, especially when they weren't directly involved with it.


Y’all! I’m scared! I got home from vacation yesterday and something just didn’t feel right. But there’s white gum stuck to my carpet. But my gums is colorful. And my room was clean when I left so I knew that it wasn’t there before.

Deleted user

This discussion is over

That was literally not about that. I was taking about the part ABOVE that. In the same damn comment T_T

That was directed at Ella, r e l a x.

Deleted user

Y’all! I’m scared! I got home from vacation yesterday and something just didn’t feel right. But there’s white gum stuck to my carpet. But my gums is colorful. And my room was clean when I left so I knew that it wasn’t there before.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Y’all! I’m scared! I got home from vacation yesterday and something just didn’t feel right. But there’s white gum stuck to my carpet. But my gums is colorful. And my room was clean when I left so I knew that it wasn’t there before.

Well if someone was there they’re probably gone now.