forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@saor_illust school

hhhhhhh i'm craving cuddles rn with a certain person but he's halfway across the country in floridaaaaa so i can't and it sucksssss
(okay you can just ignore me now)

Deleted user

F l o r i d a
I'm up in Texas for a funeral and I will be here for two weeks.
I want to go home and cry in my own bed please

@Echo_6 group

What do you like about Florida? List off a few things for me. I've never been there so I don't know what it's like. What makes it home to you?

Deleted user

I have a cozy bed, I've lived there my whole life so I know where everything is, not a lot of shit sets off my sensory problems, and my doggos.

@Echo_6 group

It does rain quite a bit, but it's mostly just hummid.

Sounds almost like Oregon, we're just more of the rain, and less of the humid. Also what are your dogs like? I love dogs, and would like to hear about them.

Deleted user

It does rain quite a bit, but it's mostly just hummid.

Sounds almost like Oregon, we're just more of the rain, and less of the humid. Also what are your dogs like? I love dogs, and would like to hear about them.

I have two mastiffs!
Kingston is a scaredy cat but he's a big cuddler.
Lexi is supper zoomie dog, but like Kingston loves cuddles.


I am going to momentarily interrupt to morn over the loss of the most eloquent masterpiece I have ever written. It is filled with raw emotion and heart breaking gut wrenching moments, truly, probably the best thing I have ever composed. This piece will never be seen, and never be read by any eye's but my own. I will share one quote because I am rather proud of it "I was Icarus flying on fragile wings of your time, then, out came the sun of your neglect."

@Pickles group

Hi quick question, does blood come out easily in the wash?

Mostly, yes, but if you run it under cold water right away, more comes out. I'm pretty sure washing machines use hot water. But maybe they don't and I'm insane. Google seems to say yes but there is a cold wash setting that's better to use anyways. Idk if that would change anything in regards to blood. I haven't heard of the baking soda thing but that would probably work (just make sure you rinse it really well because in my experience baking soda tends to dry and be powdery and gross if you don't get all of it out. It is good for cleaning white shoes though lol)


In my personal experience, yes, blood comes out in the wash pretty easily.

…and this is coming from someone who’s had a lot of personal experience with blood on their clothing

Deleted user

if you’re looking for cleaning white shoes, those toilet washy wand thingies work really well too. And a magic eraser does really good too??

But it depends on what type of blood. Cus I’m gonna come out and say period blood is easier to get out because whenever it does come out, it’s not tragically heavy like a lot of other blood-spill things.

If it’s something like you tugged at stitches and now you’re bleeding so fast you could barely stop it and now there’s blood all over your clothes, well, fuck, you’re screwed.

If you killed somebody and their blood got on you, then same thing as above. That stuff’s impossible to get off and it’ll stain a weird orange color.

Deleted user

I died again, my life is great.
I was broken up with by my boyfriend, but I moved on extremely quickly, and for once I know the reason why. Apparently he felt like I liked someone else, which I didn't know I did, until my friend Jazzy pointed it out. So yeah I like another friend and I have for a while but I was to stupid to realize I did.

@The-Magician group

I wondered if that was you. Mm. Fifteen is a touch young.

for dating??


B r u h

I've dated since i was 13 uhhhhhmm nah bud 13 is too young, 14-15 is ok. i ended up ok and it was a leaaarning experience.

I started at 13 too and I honestly don't regret it shrug

But I've always been pretty mature, and the people I dated were too

I’ve been dating since I was 9, and the first relationship I had was with the sweetest guy you’d ever met 😊 lasted about a year and a half I think. Gods I’d give anything to turn back Time and change what happened..