forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@The-Magician group

Check your belongings, if something is missing let them know.
Check your windows, make sure that there wasn't any forced entry. If there was, let them know.
Check any place where a person might be able to hide, like a closet or under the bed.
Look for something out of the ordinary.
It works for me….

Deleted user

Izzy, I don't know how concerned you need to be about some gum on your floor.

@GameMaster group

I hate to be that person– wait, no I don't– but your mom had bigger problems than that.

You don't know my mom, Lizzie.

I'm such a dumbass, I keep forgetting Pickles and I share the same first name and I get genuinely concerned because I'm worried that I've said something stupid that I wrote at 2am.

Deleted user

family problems, and work, and system issues with friends, and children, and childhood friend problems, and a lot aha…

Deleted user

i have to baby sit my cousin, and any being under the age of 10 just, i can’t handle cause of trauma and nina’s really fucking upset cause my friend like, broke her and everything is hitting at once i feel like i’m drowning-

Deleted user

Personally I just hate dealing with children because I'm scared of fucking them up the way I'm fucked up :DDDD

Deleted user

that’s why i can’t handle children, they trigger some ptsd shit for me and i just can’t-

Deleted user

Being raised in an abusive household did some shit to me y'all

Deleted user

Being raised in an abusive household did some shit to me y'all


Deleted user

When you've literally been looking forward to 2020 since you were in third grade because "everything is happening in 2020" {hard to explain, I've just always been hyped for 2020} and I just found out I'll have to spend the first moments of it completely alone


I am going to momentarily interrupt to morn over the loss of the most eloquent masterpiece I have ever written. It is filled with raw emotion and heart breaking gut wrenching moments, truly, probably the best thing I have ever composed. This piece will never be seen, and never be read by any eye's but my own. I will share one quote because I am rather proud of it "I was Icarus flying on fragile wings of your time, then, out came the sun of your neglect."

You speak of mourning. Is it gone?

Yes, I deleted the entire thing because it could be used as blackmail against me.


Tfw you come home from work crying because you had a shit day, explain, in detail, why you had a shit day to your mother, and then she's just like "It could be worse" and makes you feel really stupid for crying over it and is undermining your problems and stress and aaaaAaaAAAH