forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

I'm here with ya, girl. Do you want to talk about it?

I think so… I'm not going to say what the insecurity because I don't want to sound like an idiot lmao, but…

If it makes you feel this way, it must be important. If you don't want to say it here you can also always tell me in PM's. I relate too much to what you're saying though.

Deleted user

~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

I'm here with ya, girl. Do you want to talk about it?

I think so… I'm not going to say what the insecurity because I don't want to sound like an idiot lmao, but…

If it makes you feel this way, it must be important. If you don't want to say it here you can also always tell me in PM's. I relate too much to what you're saying though.

Thanks but I don't want to say it–
I just can't move past it, I feel like everyone notices it…

@The-Magician group

~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

No, why?

… Really?

I don't really have anything to be insecure about shrugs

Deleted user

~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

No, why?

… Really?

I don't really have anything to be insecure about shrugs

I wish I had your confidence

@Pickles group

~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

Like the fact that you think pineapple tastes like freckles?

@Pickles group

~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

No, why?

… Really?

I don't really have anything to be insecure about shrugs

"Danny?" -Dom, 2019


~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

I'm here with ya, girl. Do you want to talk about it?

I think so… I'm not going to say what the insecurity because I don't want to sound like an idiot lmao, but…

If it makes you feel this way, it must be important. If you don't want to say it here you can also always tell me in PM's. I relate too much to what you're saying though.

Thanks but I don't want to say it–
I just can't move past it, I feel like everyone notices it…

That's ok if you don't feel comfortable sharing.
What normally helps me is focusing on something you're good at or something someone has complimented you on.
It may not help you move past it necessarily, but it will help with the pain a little. I think the only way to really move past an insecurity is to beat it, but we're not always ready to do that.


~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

No, why?

… Really?

I don't really have anything to be insecure about shrugs

I wish I had your confidence

Me too. Me too, my friend.

@The-Magician group

~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

No, why?

… Really?

I don't really have anything to be insecure about shrugs

"Danny?" -Dom, 2019

I wish I was that good looking, but no, 'tis I—Daro.
I really don't have anything to be insecure about, since (in my natural form) I don't always have a body, there's nothing about me to judge other than my personality, and I'm not exactly going to be picking flaws in my own personality, am I?

@The-Magician group

Ah, blessed two days in a row by your presence. Whatever have we done to deserve this honor? Lol

Lee's best friend fucked up again, that's why I'm here.
Also, it's been a while since I spoke to Moxie so here I am, at 12:32 am on December 30th, talking to my darling Moxie shrugs

Deleted user

~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

Like the fact that you think pineapple tastes like freckles?

Which I'm right about

Deleted user

~~Does anybody else have one big insecurity that they absolutely hate about themselves>

I'm here with ya, girl. Do you want to talk about it?

I think so… I'm not going to say what the insecurity because I don't want to sound like an idiot lmao, but…

If it makes you feel this way, it must be important. If you don't want to say it here you can also always tell me in PM's. I relate too much to what you're saying though.

Thanks but I don't want to say it–
I just can't move past it, I feel like everyone notices it…

That's ok if you don't feel comfortable sharing.
What normally helps me is focusing on something you're good at or something someone has complimented you on.
It may not help you move past it necessarily, but it will help with the pain a little. I think the only way to really move past an insecurity is to beat it, but we're not always ready to do that.

Thank you Jay, this is really going to help me <3

Deleted user

This isn't a vent, it's just a mildly annoying thing.
I was looking for a fae homebrew race for my friends campaign and the place I was looking before I got their aproval is shut down right now and all the ones I found are tiny! Like what the fuck? Noooooooooo

Deleted user

That moment when your mom decides everyone needs to stop playing the board game because you laughed

Deleted user

{It's okay lmao}

Like, why??????? RIP stomach sleepers with boobs
Also, if you're like me and have a slight hourglass, forget about finding clothing that fits flatteringly
My boobs and hips are too big for my body lmao

Deleted user

I've been shivering for the past 15 minutes for no reason???

Are you sad or mad or just overall upset?

I just feel empty

Do you feel sick at all?