forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Ladies and gentlemen, the show that's been sweeping the nation: Bats' Christmas Vacation Crisis! Featuring the hit song-and-dance numbers "Existential Terror", "I Accidentally Ignored All My Friends And Now I Don't Know How To Apologize", "I've Got 25 Pages Of Work Due In Ten Days", and "I'm Never Going To Be Happy, Ever"! Don't miss your chance, see it now to catch Bats lying facedown on her bedroom floor clutching her guitar and crying into crumpled-up sheet music!

Deleted user

Ladies and gentlemen, the show that's been sweeping the nation: Bats' Christmas Vacation Crisis! Featuring the hit song-and-dance numbers "Existential Terror", "I Accidentally Ignored All My Friends And Now I Don't Know How To Apologize", "I've Got 25 Pages Of Work Due In Ten Days", and "I'm Never Going To Be Happy, Ever"! Don't miss your chance, see it now to catch Bats lying facedown on her bedroom floor clutching her guitar and crying into crumpled-up sheet music!


@Pickles group

What is this stuff in the sky? It's acting like fog but it's not wet and it's not smoke or smaug because I can breathe it fine and it's not gray??? But I can't see? What the heck?


Hey y’all. I have purposely not been on for a bit bc I only have my phone which is tiny but I couldn’t wait until I got home on probably Saturday so here I am with a vent.
I have this friend (who I’ve talked about often here) who I’m really close too and he just told me he was going to box this one dude who he’s friends with who I know is really quick and small but strong and I’m like wtf why and he’s like I want to prove myself to my dad and I’m like wtf still that’s stupid you don’t need to fight this dude to “prove yourself” to anyone or anything but I think he’s low key mad at me cause I was like no you’re not doing this and he was like yes I am doing this and that was Christmas morning and I kind of texting him earlier that day but it seemed strained so please help.
(Don’t mind my lack of punctuation. It just kind of happens when I’m venting)

@Pickles group

Not gonna lie, the only experience I have with that is in the movies and in the movies they always try to either talk him out of it or convince the other guy to go easy on him and it never works out so I have no advice

Deleted user

Havent been on for more than 2 minutes in months cus humans but just fuck, my ex is a manuplative asshole, im sick, i have to write a paper and finish 6 assessments before finals week just for science honors and just fuck.

@Pickles group

A long vent about the house of night series, which if you like hate reading, I highly recommend, otherwise (if you have any innocence left at all and want to keep it) don't read it. I was enjoying hate reading it with my friend but everything has finally pent up and needs to come out.
Spoiler on it because not only does it contain spoilers for the first few books (kinda), it's also partially about some not so okay relationships and I guess a little sexual? Yeah, you don't have to bother reading this

Literally none


@Pickles group

@Pickles group

To my parents: 70 is not "cold air", it's shorts weather don't try to tell me that the car is blowing cold air it's sweltering and I'm in leggings and a sweatshirt with the sun blaring through the window

Deleted user

What's wrong?

I don't even know, I'm just

I've done some dumb shit and lost some important people over the last few months and it's really just not leaving my head

@saor_illust school

Mir, it's not really that stupid. You're just grieving over the loss of some people that were a pretty important part of your life. They might not've died, but they aren't in your life as much, but they influenced you as a person quite a bit, so it's natural that you're feeling down. However, like Dom I am going to say with absolute certainty that you will be okay. It doesn't mean that you'll stop remembering them, of course you're bound to remember them at some point in your future, but it does mean that eventually you'll come to terms with what happened and eventually just accept what happened. It might not happen today, tomorrow, this week, or even this month. But it will certainly happen. Maybe sometime next year? Who knows, but it will happen. Besides that, you're an amazing person, so we'll always be here to support you!