forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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So I just got the invitation to my best friend's sweet sixteen

It's three months away, but she rented out a lodge and invited over a hundred people

I never had a sweet sixteen

I stayed in bed all day in a bathrobe watching YouTube and eating candy

the closest thing to a celebration I had was my boyfriend surprising me briefly to drop off a gift but he broke up with me not two weeks later so that's not exactly a happy memory

I feel like this says something about me I'm pathetic and I have no friends

Deleted user

I mean my sixteen was me being disappointed that I wasn’t going to NY and sitting around feeling old. I didn’t get any gifts from any of my friends, and we didn’t go to DC for my party like my mom promised this month.

It also wasn’t a “sweet” sixteen because I kissed someone before then. Apparently it’s sweet if you’re a kissy virgin lmao


It also wasn’t a “sweet” sixteen because I kissed someone before then. Apparently it’s sweet if you’re a kissy virgin lmao

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. My grandmother at one point called to wish me a happy birthday and she said something like "sweet sixteen and never been kissed, right, Bats?… SO I HEAR YOU'VE BEEN GOING ON SOME DATES-"

Deleted user

It also wasn’t a “sweet” sixteen because I kissed someone before then. Apparently it’s sweet if you’re a kissy virgin lmao

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. My grandmother at one point called to wish me a happy birthday and she said something like "sweet sixteen and never been kissed, right, Bats?… SO I HEAR YOU'VE BEEN GOING ON SOME DATES-"



It also wasn’t a “sweet” sixteen because I kissed someone before then. Apparently it’s sweet if you’re a kissy virgin lmao

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. My grandmother at one point called to wish me a happy birthday and she said something like "sweet sixteen and never been kissed, right, Bats?… SO I HEAR YOU'VE BEEN GOING ON SOME DATES-"


My mother at one point sent out a mass email to our extended family declaring that, among other family events, I had started dating, and, consequently, her Christmas email this year detailed my recent breakup. My uncle reportedly responded, and I quote, "WHAT DID THAT LITTLE (censored) DO TO MY NIECE I'LL KILL HIM"

Deleted user

I've put a jingle bell collar on my cat and he doesn't understand that the jingling noise is coming from him so he keeps trying to attack to wall lmaooooooooo

@saor_illust school

hey guys, so uh
does anyone remember what i said about my very close online friend and his aunt?
well um… his aunt didn't make it…
i've basically said sorry for his loss and asked if there was anything i could do
but no response
should i just leave it at that and check in on him later, or…

Deleted user

I’d honestly leave it at that, Izzy. Maybe after the holidays, if there’s any way you can call him, to do so and comfort him physically with your voice.

@The-Magician group

My "sweet sixteen" was awful

Over here we don’t do “Sweet Sixteens”. When we are 18 we go out to a bar and drink (since we are now officially legal) but that’s basically it——and half of us go drinking when we aren’t legal anyway so it doesn’t even count (fake IDs ya know 🤷🏻‍♂️)

@Pickles group

I love when you want to read and like a book so bad and you know you'll like it but the plot takes so darn long to start
Like, an hour and a half into the audiobook and the plot is nowhere in sight

@Pickles group

That really sucks. Though of course audiobooks take a long time in general. One of the reasons I am not particularly fond of them.
Nice name btw.

At this point, I'm listening to audiobooks of some series just because I don't want to waste time sitting down and using my eyeballs on the crap that I'm hate reading
But this book is actually good. Once it started

@saor_illust school

how does one stop procrastinating?
i have an opportunity to go to Japan next summer (after school gets out) however, in order to go I need to have at least a B in all my classes. this is a problem because I believe my grade in English right now is a C- bc I hate that class. I need to get my grade up to at least a B (not a B-, but a B) in order to attend the trip. I've got A's in the rest of my classes it's just English that's my problem

so how do I stop procrastinating and actually tell my dad about the projects we have to do in that class so he can help me with them?